“There have been one or two toads that got through.” She lifts one shoulder while pressing the button to call the elevator.
“So, where’s this party?” I ask her, realizing I know nothing about where she’s taking me. For all I know, she could be delivering me right into the hands of Enzo Valentino. Or worse, his father or one of his uncles. And yet, here I am, willingly following her into God only knows what.
Why? Because the reward outweighs the risk at the moment.
“The football frat house. If anyone knows how to throw a party, it’s the jocks.” Pacey smiles.
“Yeah, I bet.”
“Don’t worry, there’ll be plenty of drinks and eye candy,” she says. Then pauses. “Wait… Do you have a boyfriend? Or a girlfriend?”
“No, I don’t. Have either.” I honestly can’t remember the last time I even had a date. It’s been a long time. My job keeps me busy.
My phone buzzes against my chest. I pull it out of my top and see a message from Geoff pop up on the screen. I open it and send a quick response. Geoff is my… well, he’s been my partner for the last few months. But lately, he’s more like my stalker. I don’t know what’s changed, but he seems to want to know my coming and goings on this case more so than on any other we’ve worked on. It’s not safe for him to be contacting me while I’m in place, though, and he knows that.
Going out?
I’m fine BTW.
I shove my phone back down my top, tucking it into the side of my bra before turning back to Pacey. “Tell me again about this eye candy?”
Chapter Five
“Tell me again why we’re here?” Alessandro asks, a red solo cup clutched in his hand. The same red solo cup he’s been holding since we arrived an hour ago. He looks like the average college student, enjoying whatever contents are inside that cup as he sips at the rim. Anyone watching would think he’s drinking. I know better.
Alessandro will nurse that same cup all night, looking the part while staying completely sober. He won’t allow himself to let loose or relax in the slightest. It’s the wholeheir apparentthing he has going on. Ever since he was born, he’s been groomed to one day lead the family empire.
It won’t be for a really fucking long time, God willing. But the keys to the kingdom, so to speak, will land in the palms of his hands when his father, my uncle, either dies or retires. Like I said, it won’t be for a long-ass time, because my Zio Theo took over from my nonno not all that long ago himself.
Alessandro takes his role in the family seriously. Anyone would think he’s the underboss already. He’s not. My Zio Luca stepped up to that position until Alessandro graduates and is ready to claim the title.
“Because we’re college kids and this is a college party. It’s literally expected of us to attend, get fucked up, and have fun.” I smirk at him.
“You’re a fucking idiot. What are we really doing here?” he asks, seeing right through my bullshit. It’s not just Alessandro who doesn’t like the whole college party experience.
I do, however, like to party and have a good time. I’d just prefer to do it at a more discreet establishment. Somewhere not filled with college students with mobile phones that can video record my every move.
I look over the crowd of bodies and notice the one girl I’ve been waiting for. “Is that Pacey?” I lift my cup towards the door, and Alessandro snaps his head in that direction.
“Yeah, what is she doing here? She hates parties,” he says.
“No idea. Where’s Cassidy?” I ask him.
Alessandro runs his free hand through his hair. “She’s with my mom and sister,” he groans. “Some shit about a girls’ night.”
I hear him, but my focus is solely on the girl Pacey is dragging in behind her. She’s a fucking knockout, a fact every asshole with a dick seems to be noticing too.
“Who is she?” my cousin asks.
“Who?” My eyes turn to him.
“The chick with Pacey, the one you can’t stop staring at?” he says.
“How do you know I’m not staring at Pacey?”