“Why did you decide to live here?”

“There are plenty of healers in Sarroth and the villages that dot around it. Here? Not so much. Plus, our hatchery is here. That’s where my real interest lies,” she told me, patting my forearm. “I miss home, but this is my home now. It’s where I’m happiest, where I find the most purpose in my work. I still visit Sarroth, though Ihatebeing on Elthika-back.”

I took another bite of the meat pie, biting back a smile. Thinking of that day at the Tharken cliffs, of feeling powerful and terrified all at the same time.

Kyavor had been impressed with my overnight progress when we’d returned. My next turn on the practice mounthadseemed laughably easy. Sarkin had been right about that.

“Sammenth tells me that you’re turning out to be an accomplished rider. That you’ve even outshone some of the blood borns during training,” Ryena told me. A prick of pride made my cheeks heat, but I took another bite to mask it. “Maybe Sarkin will let you join his unit.”

“Oh no.” I laughed. “That’s the last thing I want. I’m not destined to be a rider. I only want to bond with an Elthika of my own, and then…”

I’d had the stray thought that had been growing more pressing with every day. Thinking beyond the Arsadia, thinking what would give me purpose in Karag. Ryena had said her purpose was here. I thought mine lay back in the South Lands of the Sarrothian territory.


“I’m thinking about archiving Dakkari history in Karak,” I said. I’d told Sarkin once, but the idea had taken root and wouldn’t let go.

“Oh,” Ryena said, surprised.

“History interests me. Stories. It helps piece together a broader understanding ofbeing. Of living. I’ve been thinkingthat when we return to Sarroth after the rider season, maybe I’ll spend time at your village and the ones around it, to chronicle their stories, anything they might remember so that I can better understand my people who made Karak their home.”

“That…that sounds like a wonderful idea,” Ryena said, softly pensive.

“This,” I said, holding up the food in my hand, “is what I want to understand.”

“Meat pie?” Ryena joked.

I grinned. “Yes, I would like the recipe. Please tell your sister that. But…ultimately, what I want to understand is the melding of two races and everything that happened—the good and the bad—for that to be possible. I think that’s important. If I don’t, I fear those stories and those memories will be lost forever.”

Just like my mother. The visions she saw of these people…I wished I’d asked her more about it. I wished I’d recorded some of our conversations. Now I only had my memory, and it was growing hazy. I hated that sometimes I couldn’t remember my mother’s face.

Ryena’s gaze snapped to the open doorway, and I sensed his presence before I saw him.

“Oh, you’re back early,” I commented, eyeing Sarkin as he stepped more fully into the doorway. How much had he heard? “Ryena brought some meat pies that Sammenth made. Their father’s recipe. Would you like to try one? They taste just like the skewers I used to get from thewrissanvendor in Dothik.”

Sarkin’s gaze was burning into mine, a soft understanding there, and I suddenly realized he’d likely heard all of our conversation.

“There’s somewhere I’d like to take you tonight,” Sarkin answered. “And yes, I would like to try one. Bring them—we’ll have them for our evening meal.”

“You want to leave now?” I asked, frowning, as Ryena stood, ready to excuse herself.

“No, after your instruction this afternoon. We can meet on the landing field at dusk. Dress warmly,lysi?”

He left, and I stared at the open doorway.

Ryena was smiling when she skirted the table. “You’re going to see the starfall up close tonight,” she said, her tone teasing. “How romantic.”

I flushed. “The what?”

“The celebration tonight? The starfall? It’s the time of year the Elthika begin their migration to the Tharken cliffs. It marks the beginning of the end for the riding season. There will be a feast tonight to celebrate and to watch it happen.”

“Then why don’t we just stay with the horde?” I questioned, though it was more to myself, confusion swelling.

“Because he wants the best for his new bride,” Ryena teased. “Enjoy it. It’s a beautiful thing to witness.”

Chapter 32