Klara dropped the clump of earth she’d picked up, wiping her hands together. I cleared my throat, the night returning to me.

To Zaridan, I said, “Sen endrassa.”

She made a sound like a half groan, half purr, energy being pulled in from the ground all around her before she unleashed it, catapulting up into the air.

“What does that mean?” she asked, watching Zaridan fly, tracking her toward the mountain.

“It is a term of respect, appreciation.”

“Like a thank-you?”

“Yes,” I said.

“And where does she go? She sleeps in the mountain? Does she have a family of her own?”

“Zaridan? No. She has chosen no mate and, as such, has no brood.”

“Are all the Vyrin like that?”

I cast her a look as we walked back toward the horde. It seemed she’d learned much today. “When you get to be as advanced in your years as the Vyrin, when you have made a name for yourself among your kind and wield the power ofethrall, with all of its responsibilities, you have the luxury of being particular.”

“Are mate bonds not seen as desirable among the Elthika? I would think it would strengthen them.”

“They do. But equals are hard to find among the Vyrin. And they would never settle for less than their equal.”

Klara looked up at me, and I could see what she was wondering. If I considered her my equal and…vice versa.

My spine straightened at the thought, frowning.

“Zaridan’s brother…”

“Lygath,” I told her.

“Lygath,” she whispered, and a strange look came over her face. “Where is he now?”

My jaw tightened. “He is near. When Zaridan is present in the Arsadia, he is always near.”

“And what is he like?”

“Unyielding” was the immediate word that spilled from my mouth.

“I’d…I’d heard that…” She trailed off, as if uncertain how to form the words.

I made a sound of derision in the back of my throat. “Though the Sarrothian pride themselves on being principled, they sure do like to talk.”

“Ignore me,” she relented. Her cheeks pink, embarrassed. “I’m sorry.”

Briefly, I debated telling her. It wasn’t a secret. In the end, I couldn’t stomach it. Not right then. “I don’t enjoy talking about it. Don’t take it personally.”

She nodded and thankfully remained silent on the subject. There was a sudden restlessness building up inside me, despite my fatigue. Brought on by the memory of Haden? Lygath? It started slow, like an itch beneath my skin, but it made my heart race. My pace quickened too, like I was trying to escape it, drawing nearer and nearer to my home.Ourhome, I realized.

“Did you find the Elthika you were looking for?” she asked instead.

“No sign of them,” my voice clipped, which she tried to ignore.

“Is that a bad thing?”

“Not yet.”