Droxan came up next to me, his hands already going to the waistband of his pants. “Tev.”

He was naked in the next moment, his skin slick from the water, his dark hair going even inkier as he smoothed it back from his face, curling it around his horns.

“Do you like it?” he asked me.

“Love it,” I corrected, eyeing him, grinning. His cock pulsed, the tip already wet with his pre-come, and I nearly dropped to my knees, like I was trained. “You want the bikini on or off?”

“On,” he rasped, running a hand over his horn when he got an eyeful of my tight, hardened nipples through the material. “For now.”


Droxan took my hand, tugging me inside the lagoon. The water was surprisingly warm and felt lovely. Blinking the mist from my eyes, I wrapped my arms around Droxan’s shoulders, pressing my front into his as he waded us deeper.

When we were at the base of the waterfall, I cried out in delight when he dipped us in, as a constant stream of it fell over us.

He was grinning, wiping his hand over his eyes when we came out, and I wrapped my legs around his waist, trusting him to keep us from sinking.

Biting my lip, I felt his hard cock press against my pussy and watched the smile slowly die from his face, only to be replaced by desire and need. I recognized that look. I was certain it matched my own.

“Lyra,” he murmured and I only tightened my legs around him. Leaning forward, I kissed him, hearing his roughened groan when I immediately sought his tongue.

“I love kissing you,” I breathed to him, before sucking on the tip briefly. “I wish I could do it forever.”

He purred.

Realizing that we were the only two beings on this entire planet wasn’t the only freeing thing about this place. Droxan felt freeing too. I felt like I could be myself. I felt like I could be honest with him about what I wanted, my crazy desire for him, myneed.

Well, not honest about everything, came the stray thought.

That thought had me pulling back, sighing.

“What is it?” he asked, confused why I’d stopped, his voice going deep and husky after our kiss. The mist from the waterfall continued to float all around us. I felt like we were in our own little world. In a way, we were. Shielded. Safe.

“I want to have sex with you,” I told him.

Droxan stiffened. His cock gave a bob of agreement. “Tev?”

Not once had he pushed it, giving me time to make that decision, which I appreciated.

“But…” I trailed off. “There’s something you should know first.”

His brow furrowed. Immediate concern crossed his features, which only made my lips quirk up.

“It’s nothing bad,” I assured him…though truthfully, I didn’t quite know how he would feel about it. “It’s just that…well, you know how I told you that I took the Starlight United cruise because I wanted one last vacation before everything would change?”

“Tev,” he said slowly, his arms tightening around me. “I remember.”

“It’s because I’ve been getting fertility treatments on a colony near Wero,” I told him, getting the words out in a rush.

His brow lowered even more, the confusion still evident on his face.

“In preparation for a child,” I finished. “A baby.”

His pupils went black. Every muscle in his body seemed to tense but I had the impression that it was inanticipation. Which was…interesting.

“Tev?” he rumbled.

“The appointment I had later this week? It was going to be the insemination stage of the process,” I said.