If Lyra left, if she returned to Wero, would that be my fate too?
Her fist ran down my cock though she couldn’t fit all of me in the confines of her palm. She ducked her head again and I felt the familiar heat rumbling in myvarx.
“I’m going to come,” I hissed in warning. “Vrax, you drive me to madness, female!”
She hummed around my cock, her multi-colored eyes flashing up to mine.
“The feeling is mutual,” she informed me.
Then she took me deep. Her fist ran up and down my cock as her head bobbed, as my hands clenched in her hair, holding her to me when I crossed the line that I couldn’t come back from.
All the pent up tension from the day came releasing from me at once. Even though I tried to pull back, she didn’t let me. My cock spasmed and the hot sear of my seed came rushing up, bursting across her tongue.
She moaned. I wondered if I tasted as good to her as she did to me. As my bellow shook the damn walls of my dwelling, I felt her suck and lap at my slit, drinking down every last lash of my come on her tongue.
And even when I was spent, when my body jerked and a ragged, deep moan burst from my throat, she was still seeking more.
My knees finally gave way. When I fell back to the cushions, I dragged her against me.
Her lips were at my throat as she cuddled up to me. The blunt edge of her teeth as she nibbled and sucked at my neck had me groaning.
“You’re still hard,” she commented, running her palm down my tunic-covered chest. “Is that…is that normal?”
I grunted, unable to form a single coherent word. Not yet.
Just as I’d suspected, the orgasm did nothing to satisfy the Instinct’s demands. For either of us. Lyra was rubbing herself against me, the delicious slide of her body so damnright. My cock bobbed and pulsed, hard and ready, even on the heels of that mind-numbing orgasm.
“Tev,” I finally said. “For us,tev. It is normal.”
“For us?” she whispered, pulling away from my neck to peck a kiss across my lips.
I swallowed, squeezing her lush backside, as her fingers tugged at the hem of my tunic.
“It’s going to be a long night,” I growled at her, helping her peel off the material that shielded my chest from her view. She wiggled up my body and my nostrils flared when her dull little claws dug into my pectorals, a thoroughly possessive grip, one that made me even harder.
“I’m ready for it,” she said, her lips curling up into a grin.
“I’m not usually like this, you know,” I found myself whispering as I tried to reclaim my breath.
I was sucking in air like I’d been under water this whole time but the orgasm that had just ripped through my body had been merciless.
Droxan made a familiar sound, a cross of a growl and a purr. It had been pretty constant rumbling from his chest, like an idling engine.Thatcertainly hadn’t been on the Luxirian male’s bio at the fertility clinic, but I found that I liked it.
“Mmmm and what are you usually like?” he rasped, his breath hot against my neck as he began to kiss me there.
I felt weightless. Hours of orgasms could do that to a girl, I realized. Boneless. Delirious. Happy. I wanted to laugh, bursting with endorphins.
We still hadn’t made it to the bed though it was hours later.
The Pleasure Pit, I decided. This sunken living room area was officially known as The Pleasure Pit from here on out.
Even the storm was beginning to abate. The tumultuous winds had died down. The rain was a steady pelt but no longer a torrential downpour. I thought that the storm alone provedDroxan’s talent as a builder. A storm like that would’ve blown over entire cities. But not a single leak had sprung in the house and I felt totally and completely safe.