Droxan was pleased with the answer. I could see that. Briefly, I saw his eyes dip to the very sheer tunic he’d given me. My lips twitched. Was he checking out my breasts?
And why did I like the thought of that so much? Why did my back straighten at his subtle perusal?
“You’ll be sore in the morning,” he informed me.
My dirty mind immediately went to a plethora of reasonswhyI would be sore, each more enticing than the last.
“Will I?” I asked, my voice rising, catching on an edge of huskiness.
“From the crash,” he continued.
“Right,” I said, shifting in my seat. “Of course.”
“I have some injections for pain,” he told me. “If you’d like them now or in the morning.”
“In the morning,” I said, thinking it sweet that he’d thought of it. “I’ll see how I feel.”
When I woke, it was to the sun streaming in through the floor-to-ceiling windows, a rhythmic banging coming from the terrace, and…full-onbody aches.
Sore indeed, I thought, moaning a little as I rolled, blinking some of the sleepiness from my eyes. My cheek was pressed into the most comfortable bed I’d ever laid in. Like I was sleeping on a cloud. A puffy, perfect cloud.
“What time is it?” I whispered, feeling like every last muscle in my body was tight and throbbing.
Groaning, I managed to push up from the bed and gently slide from underneath the covers.
And what was that banging? Droxan must be doing some work outside, I decided. It sounded like hammering.
Which only served to remind me of my dreams. I remembered that at some point last night, I’d woken up in the throes of an orgasm—not something that happened particularly often though I hadn’t been surprised by it in the least. I was stressed and aroused. A perfect time for a wet dream about my Luxirian rescuer.
Though…I hoped that Droxan hadn’t heard me. He’d slept out in the sunken living room and I was pretty certain I’d been moaning as I swirled my hips against his bed, seeking friction in my half-asleep state. I’d dropped back into the dream immediately afterwards butgods, that would be embarrassing if he heard.
Blowing out a calming breath, I stood, wincing. I should have taken the pain injections last night before I went to bed.
I hobbled out of the room and into the bathroom. Quickly, I did my business and splashed my face with cool water. Combing my fingers through my hair, I peered at myself in the mirror. My hazel eyes were surprisingly bright. Despite the soreness, despite my tight neck, and the bruises that were starting to bloom on my arms from where they’d hit the life pod walls, I felt…good. In a good head space considering the events of yesterday.
I’d wanted a vacation, hadn’t I? Before I got pregnant? Before a baby came? While this wasn’texactlywhat I’d had in mind, there was no denying this planet was beautiful. The climate was agreeable. This house was like a luxury hotel with a hot chef to match.
I shook my head, watching my lips quirk up in the mirror at the direction of my thoughts. Then my smile slowly died. Droxan had done a lot for me already when he hadn’t needed to. I’d meant what I said yesterday. I didn’t want to take advantage of his hospitality. If I could help him with anything while I was here, I was eager to do it.
I’d been independent my entire life. Growing up without parents, without a support system I could count on…I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. But I’d been fortunate. Eventually, I’d been placed with a quiet human family near the outskirts of Brune. Though they’d never been particularlywarm, they still provided a safe home for me and five other children of varyingspecies, three meals every day, and an education. I’d taken that education and took the first job I’d found. In a docking port office on Qa’r, where I’d stayed for two years until it got too sketchy for a single female to live alone.
Then I’d seen the advertisement for a merchant’s assistant on Wero and I’d taken it without a second thought. Wero was a small colony but known to be safe. I’d been there ever since, creating my structured, dependable life. Creating my routines.
And this place? It definitely breaks my routine, I thought. I still wanted to be useful, however. If Droxan wouldn’t take my money, then he should accept myhelp. With whatever he needed. I refused to freeload off his kindness.
Though it’s nice to be taken care of, I couldn’t help but think.For once.
It still brought shivers racing down my spine when I thought of him telling me he’d take care of me. It soothed some deep-seated fear that was rooted perpetually in my belly. Irespondedto it.
I left the bathroom, smoothing the tunic down my hips, and went off in search of him.
When I stepped outside the domed dwelling, I was confused when the sun was bright overhead. How long had I been sleeping? It was warm, hotter than it’d been yesterday, the air humid.