“Tev?” he rumbled, his gaze narrowing.
I smiled. Suspicious male.
“Are your horns sensitive?”
He stiffened but I caught the little bobbing movement in his lap. His audible swallow only made my breath go more shallow.
Then he was inhaling deeply. He leaned forward, the soft whistle of his tunic brushing at my ear drums, and set his half-finished goblet next to mine.
When he settled back against the cushions, he turned his head to look at me, something noticeablydifferenton his expression, and rasped in a deliciously deep voice, “Why don’t you find out, Lyra?”
My pussysqueezed.I nearly whimpered out loud.
The look in his eyes was a challenge. It was a caress. It was an invitation, one I’d been ready to seize all day.
He huffed out a ragged breath at the first brush of my fingers. Briefly, his eyes closed when I dragged it down the nearest bone-like horn. It was smooth, strong.
“Can you feel it?” I whispered.
“Does it feel good?” I asked next, shifting closer.
He reached for me and I nearly moaned at the heat of his hands as they tugged me over his lap, the sudden movement surprising. He maneuvered me like I was weightless and not a curvy, big-boned human woman. Compared to him, though, I supposed Iwassmall.
He brought me into his lap but it was me who straddled his hips, sliding my thighs over him, pressing our cores together. There was a thick cock pressed to his waistband that I bumped as my tunic wiggled up my legs, bunching around the top of my ass.
“Vrax,” he breathed, his jaw tightening, his hands flexing on my waist. “Lyra.”
Those palms slid down to where the hem was, dull claws scraping against my fleshy cheeks.
I gripped both his horns in my fists, making him hiss, which was followed by a soft moan. I felt the pulse of his cock as I felt another rush of wetness bloom between my thighs. I would soak the front of his pants.
“I don’t know what it is about you,” I said shakily, tightening my hands on his horns, “but you drive mecrazy. I—I’ve never felt like this. Not ever.”
His half-lidded eyes narrowed. He wore an expression of…understanding. Calm understanding mixed with his wild lust. I didn’t know how he pulled that look off effortlessly, but he did.
His handsfinallygripped my ass, his palms spreading over them wide, as he tugged me down. He pressed until my bare pussy met the searing heat of his thick shaft. When I wiggled my hips, moaning, I could feel the knobs and ridges that lined his cock.
“You would feel so amazing inside me,” I keened, my voice unrecognizable. Low and desperate and aching.
He huffed out a harsh breath when I maneuvered his horns back so his gaze met mine. It was a heady feeling, controlling him by his horns. I could only imagine gripping them as he lapped at my slick pussy, using them as I thrust against his tongue.
There was a fire burning in my belly. Raging now that it’d been stoked. This feeling should frighten me. This level of arousal and desire should alarm me.
But his steady gaze held me, keeping me rooted to the earth. All the while, his hips moved, rocking against me, dragging that thick length through my folds until I wet the front of his pants. EvenIcould smell my arousal. And for the first time, I noticed how dilated his eyes were. The blue of them nearly gone. All black now.
“I don’t know if you’re ready for my cock,luxiva,” he informed me, gruff and deep. Why did that word sound so familiar? “Because once I get inside this hot, slick cunt, I’ll keep you in my furs for days. I’ll never want to leave.”
Like that was abadthing?
“So for now,” he continued, his voice like a rough stroke against my body, heightening my arousal, “I’ll take the edge off,tev?”
I didn’t want theedge. I wanted to hurtle off the damn cliff!
In the back of my mind—the reasonable part that was the size of a sliver, at present—I knew that it wouldn’t be right to have sex with him unless I told him about the pre-treatments. I wasabout to begin ovulating—if I wasn’t already—since I’d timed my appointment perfectly. The treatments made meextrafertile. He had a right to know and we would need to be careful, to use protection.
But right now? I could barely string two words together, so maybe he was right. I needed a little relief to be able tothink straight. Relief he could give me.