
I cry out his name as I fall over. My heels dig into his back. My toes curl. My fingers pull at his hair as wave after wave of pleasure rolls over me.

When it starts to ebb away, I let Asher’s hair go but he stays where he is. His tongue enters me and since I just had an orgasm, I shiver. I’m already wet, and yet his tongue gets me even wetter. Hotter.

I’m ready for more.

I push Asher’s head away and slide down inside the tub. I go on my knees and lean over the edge. Then I meet Asher’s gaze over my shoulder.

“You can fuck me now.”

He grins. “With pleasure.”

He grips my hips and starts to slide his cock inside me from behind. It rubs against me and lights a fire deep inside my body.

“Mm. Yes!”

He fills me inch by inch. Then he stops. I clutch the edge of the tub and brace myself for the pleasure to come.

It takes me by storm from the very first thrust. With each one, Asher rocks my entire body and fills every nook and cranny of it with heat. My hips come to life and push back against him.

I try to keep up with his pace but when he speeds up, I fail. My head spins. My body trembles.

I push my hips hard against Asher’s as pleasure overwhelms me again. My mouth opens wide as all the air flees my lungs. My fingers dig into porcelain.

I’m still trembling when Asher pulls out of me and turns me around. He captures my mouth in a fierce kiss as his hand moves frantically between our bodies. Then I feel his quivering cock against my belly and something warm between my breasts.

Asher breaks the kiss to rest against my shoulder. I feel his warm, rapid breaths against my skin. I wrap my arms around him and wait for him to catch his breath. When he does, he kisses me again. Then he looks into my eyes.

“What are you thinking?” I ask him as I stroke his cheek.

“That I’m lucky to have found you after losing you once.”

I smile. “You better not lose me again.”

“No. I better not,” he agrees.

He takes my hand and kisses it. My heart leaps in my chest.

“Also, I was thinking we should go another round,” he says. “In bed.”

I see desire flicker anew in his eyes.

“We can,” I tell him. “In bed. After breakfast.”


“I’m sure you need something in your stomach,” I tell him. “Also, I was thinking we could make pancakes together.”

In fact, I can think of many things I’d like for us to do together. But let’s start with baby steps. Pancakes.

“Or we could see who can make better pancakes,” Asher says.

I narrow my eyes at him. “Oh, is that a challenge?”

“Only if you accept it.”

And I can think of no reason not to. Life is simply more interesting with challenges, especially when you have someone you love to face them with.

I wrap my arms around Asher’s neck and grin. “I accept.”EpilogueAsher

Three months later…

“I win!” I raise my empty glass of eggnog triumphantly.

Beside me, Ethan continues to gulp down his but stops with a quarter to go.

“I give up,” he says. “I should never have agreed to a drinking contest with you.”

“Oh, come on. Where’s your holiday spirit?” I pat him on the shoulder. “Besides, you won’t be able to drink so much after the baby comes.”

“True,” he agrees.

Stella wraps an arm around him. “I think he should stop drinking so much now.”

I frown. “Let the guy live a little, Stell. After all, it’s almost Christmas.”

“Yup.” Excitement gleams in her amber eyes. “Eight more days. And three more days before we go to Zurich. Best Christmas present ever.”

Ethan touches her cheek. “Well, you deserve it.”

“Aww.” Stella gives him a kiss.

I turn away to give them some privacy and end up catching Ryker sneaking out of the bar with a blonde.

My eyebrows furrow. I wonder who that is. As for what they’re planning on doing, I think I already know.

It looks like Ryker is getting his Christmas present early.

Speaking of early Christmas presents, maybe it’s time I give Violet hers.

Now where is she?

Eventually, I find Violet outside the bar, standing just behind the huge Christmas tree in the hotel lobby. She’s still on the phone, so I take a moment to admire her in her golden velvet dress. Even now, I still can’t believe she’s mine.

When Violet sees me, her eyes grow wide. Moments later, she hangs up and slips her phone inside her purse. I walk over to her.

“You’re not cheating on me, are you?” I tease her.

“No,” she says. “I was talking to my mother.”


She nods. “She wants me to come home for Christmas. She wants me to bring you along, too.”

“Why not? You haven’t been home in a while, right?”