I shake off the feeling and the idea. No need to jump to any conclusions. Look what happened last time. All I know is that Asher isn’t home, so I just have to come back tomorrow and tell him everything I need to then. Plain and simple.


Not that simple.

Now that I’m here standing in front of Asher, who’s wearing just a robe and looks like he just woke up, I can’t seem to find my words again.

Instead, all I can think of is how good he looks with his hair uncombed. Some of the strands tumble over his forehead and I can’t help but want to brush them off with my fingers. I can’t help but stare at the hair on his chest, exposed between the flaps of his robe, and wonder if he’s wearing anything underneath it. Boxers? Briefs? Somehow, I can’t remember what he had on when we had sex. I can’t remember what his cock looks like either, which is weird because it was inside me. I’m pretty sure I saw it.

I glance at Asher’s crotch.

How can you have sex with a man and not remember what his cock looks like?


I pull my gaze up to the level of his eyes and try not to blush. I try, but I fail when I see Asher grinning like he knows what I was just thinking.

Damn it.

“I…” I touch the side of my neck and clear my throat. “I hope I didn’t wake you.”

“You didn’t.”


I fold my arms beneath my breasts and draw a deep breath.

Focus, Violet.

“I came by last night,” I tell him. “But you didn’t seem to be home.”

Asher’s bushy eyebrows arch. “You did? Well, I hope no woman answered the door this time. Otherwise, I might have to call the police.”

“No.” I shake my head. “No one answered.”

He leans on the door frame. “By the way, I told Roxanne that you were my neighbor, so next time, she shouldn’t slam the door in your face.”

He did?

I put my hand on the nape of my neck. “You didn’t have to.”

“No, I think I did. She was rude to you because she thought you were one of those women trying to get inside my apartment to steal my stuff.”

My eyebrows furrow. “There are women like that?”

“Yeah. You know, women who say they’ve left their panties behind but they really want to get a pair of my boxers as a souvenir.”

So he wears boxers. That doesn’t mean he’s wearing a pair right now, though.

“That’s creepy,” I say, trying to stick to the topic at hand.

“Yeah. Also, once, there was this woman who bugged Roxanne to let her in so she could wait for me in my bed. In handcuffs.”

Handcuffs? Is Asher into that? I wouldn’t put it past him. In fact, if I remember that week when he was bringing women home every night, it seemed like he was into everything. It sounded like it. Me? I’ve never experienced being tied up, but I can’t say I’m not curious. Too bad Asher and I will never get to try it.

Whoa. Did I just think I wouldn’t mind having sex with Asher again?

“Anyway, Roxanne has had some bad experiences with women showing up at my door so… that’s how she reacted. But she knows better now. She knows you’re not like those other women.”

I’m not? For some reason, hearing that sends a thrill down my spine.

“So you came to my apartment last night?” Asher asks me as he scratches the back of his head.

“Yes,” I answer.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t here. I was with my brothers.”

“Really?” That didn’t even cross my mind.

“Well, brother. I was with Ryker. Ethan couldn’t make it. Lately, he’s been… busy. But we’re supposed to have a thing every Friday night.”

“Oh. That’s nice.”

I thought they weren’t that close, since even though they work at the same company, in the same building, they barely seem to talk to each other unless they’re in a meeting. I didn’t think they saw each other during the weekends either. I just thought they’d be too tired and busy with their own personal lives. It’s nice to know I was wrong, that the bond between Asher and his brothers is still strong, just like what I caught a glimpse of back in Zurich. Of course, the fact that Ethan has been busy is unfortunate, but I guess it’s inevitable that would happen sometimes. And at least they do have a brotherly ritual.

“Anyway, did you need something?” Asher asks. “Did you want something… from me?”

His ebony eyes narrow. My breath catches.

“Did you maybe forget to say something? Or do something?”

I know I forgot to say something, but now I’m starting to think it’s more of the latter. There are things I could have seen, things I could have done, things Asher could have done to me. After all, as incredible as the sex was, it happened so fast. It started and ended so fast.