The pain is too much and I collapse into my father’s arms, the sadness rocking through me. “Please, sweetheart. Tell me what’s going on. Why are you so upset? Do you miss your mom? We can call her on the ship if you want to talk to her. Just speak to me, Millie bear.”
I can’t remember the last time my father showed any kind of concern for me. I’m not sure when the last time was that he even hugged me. It feels like I’m that little girl again, and my dad truly cares about me. “Talk to me, sweetie. Whatever it is, I can fix it.”
I look up, seeing the genuine worry formed on his brow and in his teary eyes. He hasn’t stopped loving me.
“I’m in love.” I struggle to get the words out. “And I don’t think I’m ever going to see him again.”
He pulls me in closer, embracing me tighter. “Well, if he can’t see what an incredible girl you are, then it’s his loss. You’re going to be okay, sweetheart. Daddy’s got you.” He thinks my boyfriend broke up with me, but he doesn’t understand. And I can’t exactly explain the fact that I went and fell in love with one of Santa’s elves, but because of the rules of the magical realm, we can’t be together. My dad will take me straight to the mental hospital and have me committed if I tell him the truth.
“I know that you’re sad, sweetheart, but maybe a little Christmas cheer will make you feel better. Do you want to come down and open some presents? Have some gingerbread French toast and some eggnog?”
“You made gingerbread French toast?” I look up at him again.
“I did. It was always your favorite.”
“But you haven’t made it since I was a kid.”
“I make it every Christmas morning, wishing you were here with us,” he says, rubbing the tears off my cheeks. “It’s really great having you here, Mills. Thank you for spending Christmas with us this year. It feels like our family is complete. And it makes the holiday feel extra special.”
My dad is right. I haven’t spent Christmas with them since the divorce. I never wanted my mom to be alone on Christmas day. I was too worried of what she might do. It’s also because I’ve been harboring a lot of resentment towards my father. I still don’t approve of the choices he made, but I have to stop shutting him out. It’s not healthy for any of us, and I know it’s definitely not helping my relationship with my stepmom either.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t here in the past,” I tell him.
He shakes his head. “I understood why. And I’m sorry for how everything went down. I never wanted you or your mother to find out the way you did. I was so shocked that morning about you seeing me with Margot, that I said all the wrong things. Handled it so poorly. And I’m sorry for that. And I know Margot is too. She’s cried about it so many times, wishing she could go back and apologize to your mother. She’s wanted to apologize to you too but has been scared to talk to you about it. But I just want you to know that we both have a lot of regrets, and if we could go back in time, we’d do things differently.”
If I could go back, I’d do things differently too. “It’s okay, Dad. I forgive you both.” There’s a huge weight of relief lifted as I say the words. It feels good to let the past go. It’s freeing.
He smiles, pulling me in for another tight hug, and it finally feels like the pain has subsided. All these years that’s all I ever wanted to hear, that he’s sorry. And now I know that my dad is the same man I always knew. He still loves me. I haven’t been replaced.
“Can we please go open presents?” My little sister’s voice has me smiling. I’m sure this is killing her. This is the biggest day of the year for her, and she’s already been patiently waiting half the day to open all her new toys.
I pull out of my father’s hold and turn. “Yep. Let’s do it. Let me just run to the bathroom real quick and I’ll be down in a minute.”
She bounces excitedly, taking my dad’s hand and leading him from my room. I take the moment to get myself cleaned up. My heart is still aching and empty, but my family is waiting for me. As much as I’d rather curl up in bed and cry myself to sleep, I can’t. So, I get my teeth brushed, put on a red sweater dress with white leggings underneath, then head downstairs.
As soon as I step into the living room I’m struck in shock. The place has been transformed into a Christmas fairy tale. Thetree is huge and bright, decorated with so many beautiful sparkly ornaments. There are presents spilling out from under it. Lights are strung around the room. Stockings are hanging on the mantle. And sitting to the side is the most adorable red wooden sleigh with a small gift sitting on its bench.
“Isn’t it incredible, Millie?” Laney’s practically dancing in circles. “Santa came and made it all so pretty. And he brought you your very own sleigh.” She goes over to the little red gift. “And this is for you.” She picks up the box and rushes it to me. I look down at the label, but it’s not from Santa. It saysTo: My Little Dove From: Your Naughty Elf.
The smile splits my cheeks and I practically tear the thing open, finding a little blue velvet box on the inside. My heart takes a leap inside my chest, my pulse beginning to race. I slowly open the top and sitting on a little satin cushion is the biggest shimmering diamond I’ve ever seen.
“Will you marry me, little dove?” The deep voice has me turning, and down on bended knee is my very own elf. “I love you, Millie. And I want to spend eternity with you.”
The tears are streaming down my cheeks again, only this time they’re happy tears.
“Yes!” I nod, trying to get my blubbering words out. “I love you, Brawn.”
He takes the ring and slides it onto my finger, then scoops me up into the air, giving me a kiss that has my toes curling in my tights.
“So…” My dad clears his throat. “I take it this is the guy you were talking about.”
“Yes,” I practically squeal. “This is my person, Daddy.”
“Well then, why don’t you introduce me to my future son-in-law. And maybe you could explain how he just appeared in the middle of my living room because I’m kind of freaking out here.”
I lean forward, pressing my forehead to my incredible man and squeal again. I can’t believe this is happening. It’s all so unreal. This is the best Christmas present a girl could ask for. And now the holiday I once despised has just become my favorite day of the year.
“It’s magic, Daddy. He’s one of Santa’s elves,” Laney practically sings. “And see, Millie? Santa did give me my very own elf for Christmas. Now, he’s going to be my brother.”