Page 31 of Dragon Sword

“Might we have an explanation for this sudden change?” Will persisted.

The soldier narrowed his eyes at us. “It is because you convinced General Terve to throw away everything on the empty promise that you could save our comrade.”

“It isn’t an empty promise!” I spoke up as I glared at the soldier. “But you guys have to help us out but keeping usoutof the city isn’t helping!”

The soldier shook his head. “We have our orders. Your permission is not revoked but you will not be allowed into the city.”

I opened my mouth for a further discussion but Will squeezed my body. He inclined his head to the soldier. “Then we will take our leave. However, we have left all our belongings at Alisa’s house and would like to fetch them for the coming night.”

The soldier stiffened his jaw. “I will have to make inquiries to His Highness about that, but if there is anything you need immediately I will have someone fetch it.”

A smile slipped onto Will’s lips. “Tell Alisa we would like some of her finest soup with her special side. The forests out here are rather cold and it will warm us.”

The elf nodded. “Very well. Remain on the other side of the bridge and we will pass on the message.”

Will inclined his head to the soldier. “Thank you.”

He turned and carried me back across the bridge. Luja called to us as we left. “Keep safe, my friends!”

I hoped so.


“So what now?”I asked Will as we stepped off the bridge and onto the dirt road that followed the vali.

“Now we wait for the delivery,” Will told me as he strolled down the road with the gap on our left.

I lifted an eyebrow. “Is the soup that good?”

His eyes twinkled. “It is rather excellent as I taught her how to cook it, but it’s the side that interests me more.”

“The side?” I repeated.

“You’ll see,” he assured me as we continued on our little walk.

I wiggled in his arms. “You know, you don’t have to keep carrying me.”

Will merely adjusted my weight and kept walking. “You’re not heavy.”

I snorted and patted him on the shoulder. “Well, you got around that tricky subject just fine, but that isn’t what I meant. I can walk on my own.”

Will drew me closer to his chest as he pursed his lips. “Then you can tell me what happened to the human?”

My good humor faltered as I thought back to the pleading man. “He. . .he changed.”


I shook my head. “I don’t know. He kept complaining about a burning pain and then the black patches showed up all over his body. His eyes went all dark and he started attacking me. That’s when Luja showed up and scared him away.”

“You didn’t use your sword?”

I shrank into his arms and blushed. “I kind of forgot. . .”

Will turned his steps toward the forest where a lush patch of grass grew beneath a large tree. He knelt and lay my back against the trunk. I squirmed beneath his worried stare. “I’m sorry. I should not have left you.”

I shook my head. “It’s not your fault. I’m the one who forgot that I don’t need to be a damsel in distress.” I wrapped one of his hands around mine and smiled at him. “Not when I have the gift you gave me by being your bride.”

A faint smile accented his lips. Will leaned forward and pressed a light kiss against my forehead. He drew back and cupped my cheek in one hand. “And never have I once regretted that day.”