Page 5 of Dragon Sword

I looked over my shoulder as Will joined me at the tub. “Can we go in?”

He grinned. “Any time you like.”

“After dinner?” I suggested.

He nodded. “I would like that.”

I couldn’t wait for the coming dip but the garden had other joys. The flowers had innumerable scents, everything from lemon to lavender, and even a chocolate smell. I moved from bed to bed admiring their bold colors and luscious petals, each different from the last. Even the trees fascinated me as their soft branches tickled my nose as I slipped under one to watch the spring flow toward the barrel. Small golden birds the size of sparrows were perched in the branches with many of them having their heads tucked under their wings for a long rest.

“This place is so much different from the rest of the city,” I commented.

Will took a seat on a stone bench along the half-hidden rock path that wound around the garden and watched me, a smile ever on his lips. “Alisa’s family has a great gift for the natural plant magic all elves possess. I once witnessed an ancestor of hers grow a tree from a sprout in less than a minute.”

“I’d like to see that,” I mused as one of the birds twittered overhead.

I spun in a circle with the branches dangling around me, tickling my nose and making me laugh. The spinning made me dizzy so I lost my balance on the wet ground. I gasped as I tumbled backward toward the spring.

An arm shot out and wrapped around the back of my waist, catching me. I looked up and found myself staring into the tender eyes of my beloved. A soft blush accented my cheeks as he righted me but kept his grip on my waist.

“You should be more careful,” he scolded.

I gave him a sheepish smile. “Sorry. I guess I got carried away.” I tried to step away from him, but his arm was still tightly around me.

Will drew me close against his side and gently nuzzled my hair. “What would I do if you hurt yourself?”

I grasped the front of his shirt in both my hands and toyed with the cloth. “I won’t go anywhere. We’re supposed to be together forever, remember?”

He wrapped his other arm around me and pressed me against his chest. His warm body soothed my tense muscles and I gladly rubbed my cheek against his strong muscles. “Forever would be an impossible time without you.”

I embraced him and tilted my head back to smile up at him. “I’m fine and I’m going to stay that way.”

“Then you should be getting some food,” a sharp voice spoke up. We both looked to the open doorway and discovered Alisa standing on the threshold. She jerked her head over her shoulder in the direction of the house. “Get in here. Supper is ready.” And with that announcement, she disappeared into her home.

Will reluctantly separated us and took my hand. I couldn’t help but notice his tight grip as he led me inside.


We satat the small table in the center of Alisa’s quaint home and were each poured a bowl of soup by our hostess. The delicious scent of herbs and spices filled the air and made my stomach growl again. Will pushed my bowl a little closer to me and offered me my spoon.

“You sound like you need this,” he teased.

I glared at him and snatched the spoon from him. “It’s been a long time since we ate, okay?”

Will couldn’t deny that or his own hunger as we both dove into the meal. There were doughy bread rolls as a side and some fruit and vegetables. Everything was perfectly sweet and juicy, and in a wonder hour, I pushed my empty bowl away, it having been filled twice in that time. Will still munched on a piece of bread and Alisa had taken up the empty dishes to the kitchen where a sink awaited them.

She returned and stood over us. “Well? Not bad, eh?”

I patted my stomach and smiled up at her. “Perfect.”

Will raised a glass to her and nodded. “As ever.”

Alisa puffed out her chest a little before she took up our bowls. “Then get warmed by the fire while I do the dishes.”

“I’d rather help,” I insisted as I picked up my plate and stood.

“No need for that, Rose,” she argued as she snatched my plate from me and whisked it all away into the kitchen.

I made to follow her, but Will caught my hand. I looked down and he shook his head. “This is a fight you won’t win, my love.” He drew me down onto his lap and wrapped his arms around me. His eyes shimmered with a wicked light that made me blush. “Wouldn’t you rather stay here with me?”