Page 29 of Her Vampire

“I’m so nervous,” Tammy murmurs into the quiet. “My first album. What if it’s terrible?”

“You’ve worked hard,” I growl. “All those gigs you did, even while pregnant. And I know it’s not terrible. I’ve heard a lot of music, Tammy, countless artists, over the years. And you’re something else. You, my beautiful, perfect wife, are one of a kind.”

“Gorgeous?” she giggles, gesturing at herself with the hand Chipper isn’t currently rubbing against. “Have you seen me lately? I didn’t know you were supposed to glow after the pregnancy, too.”

“Yes,” I say passionately. “I have seen you, and you look like a woman who’d be naked and doing unmentionable things right now if we were alone.”

“Really?” she whispers, stroking her hand over Freya’s head and then finding my fingers.

“Really,” I say firmly, giving her hand a squeeze, still stunned at the love and warmth that can flow between two mortals, that flows between us ceaselessly, beautifully, and will do so for the rest of our earthly lives.

“Because I love you,” I growl, leaning across and kissing her at the edge of her mouth.

Any closer and I’d lose control.

“And you.”

I kiss Freya and she makes an endearing cooing noise.

“Yes, yes, and you, Chipper.”

I bring my face close to the little man and he climbs onto my head, lapping at my cheeks, as Tammy and I laugh quietly so as not to wake our daughter.Extended EpilogueTen Years LaterTammyI sing softly as I chop the tomatoes for the omelet, the morning sun shafting through the window and lighting up the sleek kitchen like the inside of a diamond. Birds chirp from the nearby forest and the shadows of the trees in our garden are already growing shorter, showing that the weatherman might’ve gotten it right for once. Today looks to be glorious.

“Hey,” Freya says, walking into the kitchen and shooting me a mischievous grin that’s half her father and half completely her own. “We’re on holiday, Mom. That means no work.”

“Making you a delicious breakfast is work now, is it? Then I’ll stop.”

She giggles as she hops onto the bar stool. She has the light blonde Nordic hair that Torsten had before it silvered, and her face is full of his same impishness. Since becoming a mortal, Torsten has become far more playful, taking joy in life he tells me he never had as a vampire.

“And I owe it all to you,” he whispered last night, as we lay in bed, both breathless after our lovemaking. It’s gotten even more passionate over the years, stolen in precious moments between our careers and family life. “I owe everything to you, Tammy.”

“Mom?” Freya says, in that way that lets me know I’ve been off in the clouds.


“I said, are you excited, about the awards show?”

“Hey.” I pick up a spatula and aim it at her playfully. “I thought we said no work talk, huh?”

“It’s awesome though,” she smiles. “You’re going to win another award.”

“Your father has won awards, too,” I point out.

“Yeah, but for business,” she says.

I smile, shaking my head indulgently. Despite their many similarities, Freya gets bored by business talk, even when it turns to the innumerable accolades Torsten has won for his charity work and fair business practices since emerging from the shadows and properly taking the helm of Fenrir Industries.

Harry – Harald, named after Torsten’s father – and Sebastian, named after mine, are set to be the little dominating businessmen, once they get past the wrestling and playing stage, that is.

They’re both seven years old now, so any day now …

As if sensing that I’m thinking about them, they come charging through the house, chasing each other with big foam swords. Harry wheels on his twin brother and ducks low, aiming for his legs. Seb leaps back and grins widely, his mop of unruly brown hair bobbing around his freckled face.

“Yeah, right,” he laughs. “Like you think I’m that slow.”

A moment later, Torsten appears, looking rugged and handsome with his silver beard clinging to his jaw, his hair swept sleepily and lazily and freaking handsomely to the side.

He’s cradling Charlotte to his chest, rocking her softly as he walks into the kitchen and leans across to lay a gentle kiss on my cheek. Old Chipper walks loyally at his side, protecting the youngest child as he always does.

I turn and find his lips instead, and we both smile as Freya makes gagging noises. Gray-haired Chipper yips softly.

“Dad, do you have to?”

“Mommy, when’s breakfast?” Harry calls merrily as Seb leaps on his back, trying to wrestle him to the floor.

“Nah uh, naughty boys don’t get breakfast,” I laugh.

“Naughty? Who?”

I giggle. “Both of you. Now come and sit down like civilized people and maybe I’ll get you something to eat.”