“Wake up, baby. We’re almost home.”
“Five more minutes,” she grumbled, rolling over to lean her head against the car door.
Damn, she was so fucking adorable.
“Kevin is waiting for you,” I laughed softly.
She groaned, then stretched. I had a hard time focusing on the road with her cute little moans filling the confined space as she stretched and arched her back.
“We’re really almost home?”
“Yeah,” I chuckled deeply, reaching over to rub her leg. “You slept almost the entire drive. I was lonely.”
I meant to tease her, but her adorable regretful expression made my heart race instead.
“I’m sorry,” she said with sleepy eyes. “I didn’t get much sleep last night.”
“I know, baby,” I rubbed her knee. “I was just teasing you. It’s my fault you didn’t get any sleep.”
Her eyes narrowed playfully. “You’re right.” She couldn’t hold the scowl for long before she burst into a fit of giggles. “It was well worth it. You can keep me up all night whenever you want.”
I bit my cheek, running through my next question several times before letting it out. “Even tonight?”
She looked shyly over at me, biting her full bottom lip. “Sure. I don’t see why not. The kids won’t be home until tomorrow after school.”
I was mentally pumping my fist in the air, but tried to keep my excitement contained on the outside. I gently squeezed her knee again, and said, “Good. I wasn’t ready to let you go.”
Lunch Plans
“I’m not ready for you to leave,” Lynn whined, her arms wrapped around my waist, lying on top of me.
I’ve been pinned in place. Not just by her, but her dog lying on my legs, making moving impossible.
I’m loving it.
Damn, she was so adorable. Even more when she was just in an old t-shirt and her hair was all messy from sleep.
“I’m not ready to leave either, baby. Maybe I should just not go. I can call in sick or something.”
She pressed her lips into my chest to hide her smile. “Missing your first day. What a model employee.”
“I think my boss would understand.” Especially if he saw her like this, but that would never happen. I’m gatekeeping this woman’s just-out-of-bed appearance for myself.
I couldn’t bring myself to let her go yet, so I just enjoyed the feeling of her in my arms for another ten minutes before starting getting out of bed again. Lying there and cuddling her, kissing her sweet-smelling hair, I thought of all the ways I can prolong my time here. What parts of getting ready for my first day of work could I cut out?
I didn’t need a shower. Did I reallyneedto brush my teeth? Or do my hair? Could I just wear a hat?
I could rush to the courthouse and make it just in time if I didn’t stop to eat breakfast at all. Mom won’t like me leaving without something to eat, but it’s a sacrifice I’m more than willing to make for this woman. To prolong this blissful weekend with her.
Shit, it would be so much easier to just leave from here, but I had no more clothes to change into. I needed to at least run home for that.
“I really need to go now, baby,” I kissed the top of her hair. “I don’t want to, but I do.”
“Okay,” she sighed, leaning up to smile sweetly down on me. “I guess I can let you go. If I have to.”
“I wish you didn’t,” I groaned, squeezing her one last time.
As she was pressing her lips to mine, they lifted in an excited smile. “Do you get a lunch break today?”