“Not long. I just moved back to town from Fort Bragg after getting out of the Army. My mom is Feighlynn’s neighbor.”
“Oh, how sweet? So you were in the Army?”
“Yes ma’am. I just retired.”
“Well, thank you for your service. What do you plan on doing now?”
I was curious about this too. I stared at his handsome face, waiting to hear his answer.
“As of yesterday, I’m the head of court security for the city. I start next week.”
“Wow.” I grinned teasingly. “You’re a professional hero again.”
“More of a babysitter,” he laughed. “It’s an office job.”
Court security? That means he will work at the courthouse. I wonder if that means he will see Nick a lot? That will be interesting. I should warn Vin later about Nick’s job just to avoid any unnecessary drama.
“MOM!” I suddenly heard a high-pitched, familiar voice behind us. Me and every other mom turned around, but it was my daughter coming down from the parking lot.
“Jessie?” Why is Jessie here?
Then I saw Nick closing the door to a car with rental tags.
“Seriously?” Vin grumbled under his breath. I sent him an apologetic look, wondering what to do.
Sherry leaned over and whispered to me, “I thought you said your ex-husband wouldn’t be here?”
“He wasn’t supposed to be.”
Looks Great on You, Mom
“Mama!” Jessie ran in for a hug as I waited for her at the bottom of the bleachers. “Did we miss anything?”
“No, no. They haven’t started yet.”
I held her tightly while watching her dad walk steadily down to the fields. He had on a polo with the school insignia on the breast, and his usual slacks. His eyes flashed at Vin for a moment, narrowing slightly, then looked back at me and Jessie, his expression softening to a friendly smile.
I felt like everyone was watching his approach. Some of the other parents knew about our divorce, and the way he left me last year. I felt like they were waiting for some kind of soap opera to play out.
This was Preston’s first varsity game. I really didn’t want to take the attention away from that.
“I didn’t know you both were coming down,” I said with a friendly grin when Nick got close. “You didn’t mention it.”
Jessie, who was looking at Vin with a curious expression, turned her pretty little face up to me. “Daddy said he didn’t want to miss Pres’s game either, and since you already had a ride, we flew down!” She looked over at Vin again when he mentioned the ride, and he nodded with a gentle smile back. I can’t even imagine what’s going through his head right now.
“Wow, you flew!” Sherry said loudly, breaking some of the tension. “What a lucky girl! We were stuck in a sweat-smelling car for over six hours getting here.”
“Must have cost you a pretty penny,” Sherry’s husband said, shaking Nick’s hand.
“I used my miles, so it wasn’t bad,” Nick shrugged.
“We flew first class, mama! They gave me orange juice and cookies!” Jessie’s face was pure excitement. Despite the circumstances, I’m glad her father spoiled her a bit.
Nick looked me up and down, a smile stretching on his face as he lingered on my shirt. “That’s cute. How did Preston take it?”
“I don’t think he’s noticed yet.” I looked over at the field, and saw Preston talking with the coaches, stealing glances our way.
Nick looked down at his own shirt. “Maybe I should get a shirt made too.”