Page 19 of Succeeding Love

“A dive bar, Arlene? Really? Jess is only thirteen.”

She huffed in exasperation, “It has a restaurant side, too.”

“No,” I shook my head. “I’m taking her and her brother somewhere tonight. Even if I wasn’t, we wouldn’t be taking her to a bar.”

“It’s a restaurant,” she snapped, crossing her arms over her chest. “I haven’t seen her in weeks, Nicholas.”

It’s really beginning to grate on my nerves when she calls me that. Nicholas. Fay always only called me Nick, and Nicholas was only what I went by at work. Arlene called me Nick most of the time, unless she was upset with me. She’s frequently upset with me now, so Nicholas is all I ever hear anymore.

“She’s not your child, Arlene. She’s mine, and my other child won’t come over anymore. If I want to spend time with him, it has to be away from your place.” I should probably mention the condo I bought soon, but I still haven’t figured out how to tell her without her causing a scene. We will still have to work together, and cutting her off cold turkey would not go well.

Her face fell just like it did last night, and I almost felt bad, but I stand by my statement. Preston hates Arlene, and if I want to spend time with my son, it has to be on his terms. His terms don’t include her.

“I have done nothing but be nice to your son. It isn’t my fault he does not wish to have a relationship with me.”

“No, but you are the woman that broke my marriage. I don’t expect Preston to like you.”

“That’s not fair,” she seethed. Lord, I shouldn’t have said that out loud. This is going to turn into a massive fight. “You said you wanted more.”

Arlene’s growing dependence on me pushed me to say it, even though I may have not wanted to. I was confused and made a mistake. I will not tell her that right now, though. I need to get my belongings from her place in the next few days and into the condo, then I’ll tell her I made a mistake.

“I’m not trying to fight, Arlene,” I said, pulling into a parking spot inside the parking garage. “I’m just telling you, my kids, and I won’t be at your place this weekend.”

The second the car was in park, she threw open the door in a huff and slammed it shut behind her.

I was not in the mood for this today. It’s adding to my headache. I’m still reeling over the condo and Fay’s blunt refusal to even go see it. Maybe after getting the keys, I can stop in on her and just be blunt with her, too. I can just tell her I know I was wrong. It would be after I got the kids. I need to send Preston the address for the hotel I booked near the condo. Maybe after the kids settle in for the night, I can stop by the house and have an actual heart to heart with my wife. I can lay it all on the table.

Walking into the building, I saw two partners of the firm, Stevens and Leroy, waiting at the elevator.

“Ah, Nicholas!” Stevens gave me a friendly tap on the shoulder. “You look rather shipper today.”

“Arlene Settles had a look that could kill on her face just seconds ago before taking the stairs. I thought maybe you two had had a fight,” Leroy said.

“Nope,” I forced a smile. “Just excited to get my kids tonight.”

“Right, you got the kids on the weekends,” Stevens chuckled. “No wonder your girlfriend is in a mood. Kids are a handful. You should have done every other weekend like I did with my ex-wife.”

“Speaking of which,” Leroy reached into his pocket for his phone. “My wife was asking me to get your ex-wife’s number.”

“My wife?” I said. “Do you mind me asking what for?”

“Well, I’m not entirely sure. She rambles, you see, but it sounded like she wanted it to give to her younger brother.”

“Her brother? Why would she do that?”

“Don’t get all grouchy, Nick. This could be beneficial to you. You wouldn’t have to pay those hefty alimony checks anymore.”

“I don’t pay alimony, Stevens. I don’t pay her anything.”

“Oh, good. You had a prenup. Smart man,” Leroy wagged his finger proudly at me.

I didn’t have a prenup either. I just have a saint of a wife that wanted nothing from me.

“Anyway. I guess my wife’s brother met your ex at her baby shower a year and a half ago. He is recently single too, and Mary thought they might hit it off.”

Rage was bubbling inside of me, but these men were above me in the firm. I could lose my job if I lashed out right now.

“Do you mind if I discuss this with her first? She may not feel comfortable with me handing out her phone number.”