Page 5 of Succeeding Love

“There you are. This is Feighlynn Micheals, our neighbor across the street. Feighlynn, meet Kevin.”

My Kevin howled obediently, like he was introducing himself, too. I could help but to laugh, covering my mouth with the back of one hand. Human Kevin was staring at us curiously, his green eyes surprisingly beautiful on his roughly handsome face.

“I’m sorry. His name is Kevin too. He says hi.”

Velma looked offended, but human Kevin actually laughed. He squatted down, leveled with my dog, and let Kevin sniff him a few times before scratching between his ears. My Kevin pushed his excited face against his chest, eager for the attention. I was about to pull him back, but human Kevin laughed and hugged him in return.

“It’s a good name. I don’t mind sharing.”

I smiled warmly, glad he didn’t take any offense.

“Well, I guess it is. Since your husband, I mean, ex-husband, no good scoundrel he is, moved out, you could use a powerful guardian watching over your place.”

My smile faltered. I know she didn’t mean any harm, and was just coming to terms with her army-strong son’s name being my dog’s name too, but it still hurt to hear her air out my business so easily.

“Kevin is a good dog,” I said, like I was agreeing with her. “I’m grateful to have him.”

Human Kevin watched me from the ground, still petting between my dog’s ears. He was shorter than me when squatting like he was, and he was very close to me right now since he was close to my Kevin. I gave him a nervous smile.

“It’s good to meet you, human Kevin, and welcome to the street. If you both would excuse me, I’m going to get Kevin inside and finish up making dinner.”

“Oh, yes. Your birthday dinner, huh?”

I cringed. I had asked Preston and Jessie both to just disregard my birthday this year. It’s not really a day to celebrate for me any longer.

“Just family dinner. Birthdays aren’t much to celebrate when you reach 35. I’ll talk to you later, Mrs. Velma.” I waved to her and her son, hurrying across the street before Velma could reveal any other embarrassing facts about me. I know I shouldn’t let it get to me, but it still hurts from time to time. It still fills me with shame when someone pities me like that.

I went into my garage, closing the overhead door before unstrapping Kevin, then I took a minute to collect myself. Preston can usually sense when I’m upset, and I don’t want togive him another reason to fight with his dad. I knelt down, hugging Kevin to my chest. He licked and nudged his head against mine, making me smile and chasing my stormy emotions away.

“Okay, boy. Who’s a good boy?” I laughed when he nudged me hard enough to make me fall back on my butt. As he licked my face, I caught a whiff of something other than dog breath. It was cologne. Did Preston get himself new cologne? It smelled nothing like his usual go-to citrusy scents. It was deep and woodsy.

“Kevin,” I said, as I realized where it could have come from. Human Kevin rubbed against my Kevin. It must have come from him.

It smells nice.

“Mom?” Preston was standing in the open door, watching me through the bug screen. “Are you sniffing the dog?”

My face heated with embarrassment. “No. I was just loving on him.”

“You totally just sniffed the dog.”

“So what if I did? He sniffs me all day long,” I huffed, getting to my feet.

“Weirdo,” Preston smirked, coming out to the garage and heading to the extra fridge to grab a coke. “You left your phone here. Jessie called while you were out sniffing the dog.”

“I was walking the dog,” I lifted my chin. “What did she need?”

Preston popped the top of his drink, looking uncomfortable for a second. “She asked if dad could have dinnerwith us. I said no, but she was insistent. I told her you’d call when you got back.”

“Hmm,” I went into the kitchen, the dog and my son following behind me like two watchful guardians. I didn’t really want to entertain my ex husband tonight, but I don’t want to put Jessie in an awkward situation or make Preston get up in arms for something so harmless.

Instead of calling Jessie back first, I texted Nick, not wanting my daughter to be the middleman.

Me:| hey, Pres just told me that Jessie called about dinner. I made lasagna and know you don’t like it. I’m also planning on doing more work after eating. Why don’t you just take Jessie out for dinner instead?

Ex:| I love lasagna.

Me:| No you don’t.