“Why the Colby Agency?” Jamie shrugged. “I mean, the agency is the best, but there are other players out there who could help with this op. I haven’t seen or heard anything as of yet that makes me believe I have a particular skill set that this guy couldn’t find in another operative.”

“But,” Poe said with a look that underscored his words, “it’s you this guy—” he hitched a thumb toward Abi “—wanted to play with.”

She couldn’t deny the possibility. “Maybe, but Abi is smart. He wouldn’t allow his personal feelings to get in the way of a successful mission. He’s too good for that.”

“Then we have to assume there’s a personal connection between your family and this mission. Or perhaps that’s what he wants us to believe.”

That was the part that worried Jamie. Which was true?

“I need to have a closer look around here.” She surveyed the large great room. “Can you keep Abi preoccupied when he comes back in while I have a look around?”

“Sure. We’ll just pretend to be mates,” he teased in a faux British accent.

Jamie shook her head at her friend, glanced toward Abi and then hurried out of the room. She made her way up the stairs and went straight to the bedroom Abi had chosen for himself. He’d made the room assignments. Considering the clothing and toiletry selections he’d prepared for her, he’d had access to this property for at least a day or two before they arrived.

She opened the door and walked into his room. The bed was unmade. The rumpled sheets kept her gaze lingering longer than they should have. She forced her attention to the nightstands next to the bed. She quickly went through the drawers of each. The only personal item she found was a cell phone charger. She moved on to the dresser where she rummaged through his underwear and socks, taking care to feel for any items that might be hidden inside.

She found nothing in the drawers or under them, so the closet was next. Two blazers and three shirts hung on wooden hangers. Jamie checked the pockets and then the extra pair of shoes standing neatly on the carpet.

There was nothing in the room that he wouldn’t want anyone to find.

Jamie walked out of his room and closed the door the way she had found it. Abi was too savvy to leave anything lying around that might give away some aspect of his plan. She went through her and Poe’s rooms, double-checking for bugs. She found nothing.

Downstairs, Abi had come inside.

“Since we weren’t able to stop, I’ll order lunch,” he announced.

Jamie wasn’t sure she could eat, but she kept that to herself. Food was essential to gain energy. “Anything but pizza.” She had eaten pizza two nights in a row on the previous mission.

Poe laughed. “Yeah, the only food available near that last motel was pizza.”

“No pizza,” Abi assured them. “I was thinking Mediterranean.”

“Works for me,” Poe announced.

“I need to check in with Victoria,” Jamie announced. She needed to know what was going on.

Abi looked up from whatever app he’d chosen to use for ordering food. “As long as I can hear the conversation, I don’t have a problem with that.”

Jamie nodded. “Understood.”

Poe caught her gaze. “I think I’ll take a nap until the food comes.”

Sounded like Poe had some looking around he wanted to do as well. He disappeared upstairs, and Jamie put through the call. Her grandmother answered on the first ring. “It’s me,” Jamie said, wishing she could be there in person to talk to her. She’d likely been waiting for a call all day.

“Are you okay, Jamie?”

She smiled. She loved the sound of her grandmother’s voice. So commanding and yet so caring. “I’m good, yes. We went to Luke’s condo today. I didn’t find any readily visible cause for alarm.”

“Have you spoken to him?”

“No. Maybe I’ll get to later.” Jamie chewed her lower lip. There was a lot she wanted to say but holding back was the smarter choice. “Any news from Mom and Dad?”

Her mother hadn’t been herself lately. Jamie was glad she and Dad were on vacation and not in the middle of this mess.

“I did,” Victoria said. “They’re doing well. Just missing all of us. I assured them we will all be fine for Christmas. They should enjoy themselves and relax.”

“That’s exactly what they should do,” Jamie agreed. “I hope you gave them my love.”