“That’s the voice I’ve been hearing since I entered this place,” I said.
“A voice?” Dax stammered, clearly shaken by the labyrinth. “That’s unsettling.”
“Keep your dagger out and watch my back. I have a feeling we may need it.”
He nodded and stepped in closer, shielding my backside while I concentrated on moving forward. As I reached the pedestal, I noticed a small divot in the stone, reminding me of an offering plate.
I have an offer for you, hybrid. A bargain.
Fantastic, I thought, not enjoying the idea for one second. I did not trust the labyrinth.
“What is your offer then? Besides stalling me from reaching the center?”
Not just you, it appears. Hello, High Prince Daxton Aegaeon of Silver Meadows. So kind of you to join us.
I glanced at Dax, who held a stern, cold look that could kill an enemy where they stood. The look I knew he had given time and time again as the Silver Shadow moments before death swiftly followed. He remained silent with his jaw clenched and his dagger at the ready.
“What offer do you have?” I repeated into the abyss.
Eager as always.
“Aware of the time is more like it.”
Well, so as not to waste the little time we have remaining together… here’s my offer that I believe you bothwill find intriguing.
“Both of us?” I shifted and glanced at Daxton. “Don’t buy into its game,” I whispered.
It’s far too late for that. He’s already inserted himself into my world, and if either of you wish to leave here alive, I suggest you listen to my proposal.
“I’m waiting…” I said in a harsh, gruff tone. I would risk my own life in this place, but I was not willing to leave Daxton’s life to chance. Too many relied on him outside these stone walls.
A circular opening appeared to our right with blinding light encased by outer edges of swirling magic. I shielded my eyes and felt Daxton come to my side. As my eyes adjusted, I lowered my arm to see a tranquil, majestic forest with a calm, winding river between various rocks and trees inside the swirling magic. It was so peaceful, so serene. The labyrinth had just opened a portal—an actual doorway out of here.
Take this exit with your companion,the labyrinth suggested.And free yourselves from the burdens of this life. I don’t have to worry about losing a key; you have an escape. This is what you might call a win-win scenario.
“What’s the catch?” I knew better than to blindly accept this handout. Throughout my life, I had always fought for everything I had. Nothing was ever freely given; it was earned. I knew the labyrinth would be no different.
You’re freed from the burdens of this task, and you may pass to a new beginning. You can escape the worries of this life, and be free together.
“What’s the catch?” I demanded this time.
“Skylar,” Daxton growled. “Why are you questioning this? We’re being offered a chance to leave! Let’s take it and run.” Daxton stepped toward the portal, tugging on my hand, but I held steady, refusing to follow him.
“Skylar,” he said my name again, the creases in his brow forming lines of concern that mimicked rivers cutting through a stone canyon. “What are you waiting for?”
“What happens to the Inner Kingdom? To Solace? The wilt?” I asked. “It will spread everywhere, Daxton. What will become of the trials? Of our world?” Only silence followed my questions.
Why does it matter? The task will simply fall to another in one hundred years’ time.
“Dax,” I pleaded, urging him to stop and consider the consequences of taking the labyrinth’s offer. “We can’t let this happen. You know the state of your realm. The Inner Kingdom won’t last another hundred years. What… What if…” I paused for a moment, thinking this through. “What if Daxton is allowed to leave while I continue onward?”
Slowly, I turned to look at my high prince. “I won’t put you in harm’s way. I would rather die before I let anything happen to you, Daxton.” I snapped my mouth shut to keep it from falling to the floor. I surprised myself with the sincerity of my confession and for how bold I was being in spite of all this danger.
I now understood what this ache in my chest truly was, why my breath stilled every time I saw him, and why I asked him countless questions just to listen to his voice for a few moments longer.
I was in love with Daxton and had been for some time now.