“What now?” I whispered to Idris.

She bit her lip, hesitating at first but eventually whispering a hushed reply, “Now… Now, she uses her siphon abilities to link with each of them and absorb their magic. Their essence, their lifeforce in a sense, is taken from them.”

Memories of Daxton in Solace flashed across my mind, and I squeezed Idris’s hands tighter. “She wouldn’t kill them… would she?”

Idris’s eyes widened, and I knew I had just spoken her fear out loud.

“She wouldn’t dare be that foolish,” Castor cut in. “Killing Adohan or Daxton would instill a civil war.Wilt or no wilt. They have the loyalty of their people and their realms. Silver Meadows warriors would gladly fight and die to avenge either of them.” He smirked, lowering his voice so only we could hear him. “On the contrary, they would greatly enjoy tearing this place apart and shattering the golden throne of the queen.”

“And what about Seamus?” I asked.

“I would throw the party myself if she drained his life away,” Castor said with a humorless laugh. “But that wouldn’t happen.”


“Because he’s Minaeve’s lap dog, her king consort in all ways but the name and title.”

“Why not the title?”

Castor looked around to see if anyone was listening in. “Because Seamus isn’t the most powerful high prince, even though he is powerful…” Castor bit his tongue, struggling to finish his thoughts. “Seamus is the closest to rival Daxton’s strength and power, but my brother is still her main prize. She wouldn’t settle for anything less than the best. And, unfortunately for Dax, that’s him. She’s obsessed with power, Skylar. My brother has always been her desired target for marriage andbreeding.”

“But he refused her, right?” My chest tightened as my heart froze. I found it difficult to draw in a breath. My eyes were transfixed solely on Daxton.

“Of course.” Castor huffed, and my heart began beating once more. “Please don’t insult him by thinking otherwise.”

“Adohan will be the first to give his offering,” Idris whispered, trying to hide the fears she refused to voice.

Minaeve turned to Adohan and reached up to cup his dark-skinned chin in her tan, golden hued hands.Idris clutched onto me tighter, practically breaking my skin with the sheer strength of her grip as the queen stepped closer to him, drawing his lips into her own. The kiss was quick, unnatural, and a second later, I understood why.

Minaeve pulled her lips from Adohan’s and inhaled a deep, all-consuming breath. Swallowing in wisps of a red-shadowed figure resembling the Crimson City prince himself. She continued to inhale as she siphoned the traces of Adohan’s magic, devouring the beautiful fire that ignited the depths of his soul.

Adohan dropped to his knees as the queen consumed his essence.

“That’s too much!” Idris yelled as she stumbled forward. I refused to release my hold, preventing her from climbing the steps.

“No. He’s stronger than this,” Castor insisted.

“I’m not leaving my mate’s life to chance!” Idris tried to break free, but Castor stepped in and hugged her to his chest. “No, Cas—” Idris groaned, struggling against his hold as tears pooled in her eyes.

“Idris … Dax won’t let him fall.” I didn’t know what Castor meant exactly, but it seemed to calm Idris down enough for him to keep her in place.

Adohan groaned in pain and collapsed onto shaking hands.

“Enough!” Dax demanded. Minaeve released Adohan and turned her attention to him. “Take from me whatever else you need. I’m at your disposal, High Queen.”

Castor released Idris, and she sprinted to the steps, clinging to Adohan with everything she could. She refused to allow her tears to fall as she tilted her chin up to glare at Minaeve with hatred steaming from her dark, ominous eyes.

“Take yourmate,” Minaeve spat at them. Like Adohan was nothing more than a toy she no longer had an interest in playing with. “He’s given all he can, and I need more.”

And that more was Daxton.

Idris draped Adohan’s arm over her shoulder as a path cleared for them to depart the ballroom. He was weak, stumbling from his loss of energy and power, but his mate was there to support him. The loving looks exchanged between them were heart-wrenching. They were partners, and when one fell, the other was there to pick them up.

Castor and I stayed behind. There was no way I was leaving without making sure Daxton survived this. Even with Seamus eagerly awaiting Minaeve’s kiss of death, I knew she was planning on taking all she could from Daxton.The temptation was too much for her to ignore.

In a flash, Minaeve reached out and pulled on the base of Dax’s neck, bringing him to her lips. Her kiss was more sensual compared to the one with Adohan. She pressed herself up against Daxton, possessively tracing her hands up and down his body, making me smolder with rage. I could see him stiffen as her fingers scraped against the smooth skin on his chest. His palms curled into fists as Minaeve deepened the kiss. Her hands entangled into Daxton’s hair, pulling at the tie and letting it fall freely around his face. She was clearly enjoying this more than she needed, and Minaeve was not afraid to show her people how she could make the High Prince of Silver Meadows bend to her will.

Slowly, the queen pulled away from Daxton. Drawing in a deep breath, just like before with Adohan, she inhaled the wisps of his silver essence. The amount of swirling energy coming from Daxton was brighter andmuch greater compared to Adohan. It was evident that she was taking more of Dax’s power simply because there was more for him to offer. Minaeve’s skin glowed with a golden hue, becoming even more vibrant as Daxton’s seemed to dim. She was literally sucking the life out of him, and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do but watch as she tore him to pieces.