Alone, you will enter the world of the labyrinth. It will invade the confines of your mind and test the strength of your resolve in the face of your fears. Your logic will be tested along this singular path, but the challenge is that you must never abandon your goal nor turn back. A choice must be made against the terrors that haunt your waking dreams. Once you reach the end, the true limits of your sanity shall be tested, and you must cross the divide. The choice will be yours to decide… obtain the key—or die.

I read the passage over and over again, trying to memorize each word written and decipher the meanings behind them.

“We’ve studied this for nearly five centuries. I doubt you’ll uncover anything new in the minutes we have remaining here.”

“I’d hate to blindly agree with you… and we both end up being wrong.” I shot Rhett a menacing glare as I read the scroll one final time. “Why show me?”

“I have my reasons,” he said plainly. “Once you complete the first trial, the first star will fill in. When the trinket or key is retrieved and touches the parchment, the second description will appear.” He pointed to the second star in the middle of the page.

“How do you know that?”

“Because the last shifter, Stark.” Rhett became still as he cleared his throat. “The last champion was the most successful thus far. Reaching what we believe was thedividedictated at the end of this description.”

I recalled Castor’s retelling of what happened to Stark, knowing they all heard his grotesque, agonizing screams of death. I understood Rhett’s unease with the subject. Hearing anyone’s final screams of agony was unnerving.

“How do you know the previous champion almost made it?”

Rhett pointed to the outlined star of the first trial on the scroll. “Because the first star on the page began to fill in.”

There were countless questions spilling into my mind. I didn’t know where to begin. This scroll was connected to the magic of the trials, and apparently, after each key was retrieved, the next clue was revealed.


“Skylar!” Castor’s voice cut into the room. He shot Rhett and me a frigid expression that sent a chill down my spine. Daxton might be the terrifying Silver Shadow, but this was a firm reminder that Castor wasn’t far behind.

“Hello, Cas. I didn’t know I was going to enjoy your company this evening. What a treat,” Rhett said.

My eyes darted between the two of them, sensing unspoken tension brewing in the room.

“Rhett,” Castor sneered as he strode toward me. “Come on, Skylar. Your absence has been noticed.” He glared at Rhett with daggers in his eyes that reminded me of a scorned lover.

“Such hostility,” Rhett snickered with a calm demeanor, which I had no idea how he was able to pull off. The look on Castor’s face made me uneasy. “Youknow I only have our champion’s best interest at heart. I show each of them this scroll before the trials.”

“Yes, but never alone,” Castor rebutted.

“True.” Rhett moved from behind the stand of the scroll and fronted Castor. “I apologize. I should’ve asked youprivatelyfirst if she could accompany me. I was unaware of your … attachment to her?” A sly grin appeared on the side of Rhett’s mouth.

Privately?What was he aiming at here?

“There’s no need for that, Rhett.”

“Oh, why? It was such fun last time,” Rhett said as he boldly stepped toward Castor and me. “We both seemed to be enjoying ourselves amongst the mass entanglements of our various companions. I certainly have fond memories of the occasion.”

Castor’s jawline tightened. “As I said before, there’s no need forusto speak privately.”

Rhett scoffed, frowning like a disappointed child. “Such a shame. Your reputation in the bedroom did precede you.”

My eyes widened.Oh shit. Okay, then.

Castor growled a low, threatening warning at the back of his throat in reply.

Yep, that answered my question.

The music changed in the other room. Trumpeting sounds consuming Rhett and Castor’s undivided attention. “Well, the nightmare of a spectacle is about to begin,” Rhett muttered under his breath. “You two better hurry along. This night is just beginning.”

With out saying another word to Rhett, Castor gripped my arm and led me out of the hidden library.

“What was that about?” I couldn’t help asking, even as Castor threw me a glare that told me to keep my questions to myself. “Cas—”