No matter how much I tried, I couldn’t manage to break free of their hold. The two cloaked figures gripped me tighter as I uselessly fought against them. Tomy surprise, I was beginning to gain some ground and wiggle free, but they each moved a leg between my thighs to spread mine apart and force their weight onto me. Gods, they were heavy, like two stone statues plastering me to the wall and rendering me immobile.

“My, my. You’re a feisty one. I’ll give you that. But without being able to shift and access your animal’s strength… you’re no match for my guards. You’re simply wasting precious energy by fighting this.” The same voice from before spoke again.

A third cloaked figure appeared from the darkened corner of the alleyway. The stranger practically glided across the cobblestone, stopping mere breaths away. Their scents were hidden, indicating they held some magical abilities to create a barrier against detection.

“Clearly, you haven’t spent much time around shifters,” I growled. “Fighting is in our nature.”

The guards’ hold on me tightened, their grips now twisting my arms and pinning my legs to the point of pain.Outstanding, I grunted to myself, refusing to allow the thread of fear to build in my throat. There was no way out of their hold, but I sure as hell wouldn’t give up this easily.

A stray fair-skinned hand emerged from under the dark green cloak and wound its way into the center of my chest, pressing down firmly between the peaks of my breasts and causing me to gasp.

“So, this—is ourchampion.” His voice was vile, making my stomach turn. “I didn’t realize a shifter could be this enticing.”

I heard the swish of his hood fall back, and I snapped my head up to try and view the identity of my captor. A gorgeous yet menacing face stared back at me with a deep-seated hunger burning in his calculated glare.

His high cheekbones outlined a clean-shaven, narrowed jaw that was, of course, gorgeous and yet, a tad gentler looking than I anticipated. He stood just a hair taller than me, with a slimmer, less muscular build than Daxton. However, I could detect the deep well of thrumming power emanating from within him. This male was not to be underestimated. His haunting forest-green eyes stood out from under the hood of his cloak, tracing over my body like I was some kind of prized possession or delectable dessert.

“Let me go!” My eyes burned with hatred as I fought against my captors. My animal was screaming inside my head to fight back and to get as far away from this male as I could.

He bit his bottom lip and moved his head down toward my ear. “Now, there’s that fire I’ve heard so much about. I was wondering when you would come out and play with me.” He stood straight, trapping me against the wall with his body, and tilted his hips forward so he was flush against me. “Your beauty and power are so deliciously wild. I don’t believe I’ve ever been this excited to capture one of your kind before.” I squirmed against him, but he released a low chuckle at my efforts. “Please, by all means, continue.” He rolled his hips as one of his hands migrated over to cup my breast. “I’m enjoying this encounter more and more with each passing second.” His minions on either side of me snickered, but I ignored them.

“Screw you,” I spat.

He was toying with me.My blood began to boil, rage bubbling to the surface, threatening to overtake the rational side of my mind.

Physically I was outmatched, and as much as I hated to admit it, it was fact. I had to try to use my whit to best them, or at least stall for time.

“What do you want with me?” I demanded with a fiery tone. I had been through worse—survived worse. This disgusting excuse of a male wouldn’t get the satisfaction or pleasure of seeing me cower before him. I refused to be afraid.

“Oh, so many things, Skylar Cathal. There are seemingly too many to count.”His grin widened as his veil of magic lifted around him.

His scent reminded me of willow shrub, with just a splash of citrus swirling through my senses, causing my stomach to jump into my throat.

“Who are you?” I growled. “What do you want with me? What games are you trying to play here?” I asked, deciding to resort to what I did best.

I had to keep my wits about me. Questions took time to answer, and I needed as much of that as I could get. Zola should have reached the house by now and would be on her way back to retrieve me. I just needed to distract this male for a little bit longer.

“I’m appalled,” the male High Fae gasped.

He used his free hand to remove the rest of his cloak and stepped back, thankfully releasing his hold on my chest. Light blond ruffled hair adorned a charming yet deceptively cunning beauty that smiled wickedly. “I could simply read your mind, but alas, that would spoil all the fun in a hurry. And I intend to take my time with you.” He bent his head closer to my ear and whispered, “Minaeve said I could have you as a prize if it pleased me. And by the grace of the Gods above, I believe you do.”

My chest rapidly rose and fell as uneasiness rolled through me, realizing who this was. “Seamus.”

“High Prince Seamus Duran,” he corrected his eyes glimmering in the fading light. “I’m quite fond of the title and the power that comes with it … among other things that I’ll happily share with you once we no longer have an audience. Or—” He paused, a devilish grin snaking its way across his lips. “Perhaps you would enjoy an audience, Champion? It has been a while since I have had a good fuck in public. I remember it can be quite the rush.” He attempted to caress my face, but I turned my head away just in time. I couldn’t allow him to come into direct contact with my skin. “Ah, so you’ve heard of me. Your caution towards my touch is flattering.”

“What are you doing here?” I roared through clenched teeth.

“Retrieving you, of course. Queen Minaeve sent me and two of her guards to bring you to Aelius before the ball tomorrow. She heard of your encounters with the harpies and the hounds near the wilt border, and she now doubts the competence of the Silver Meadows princes’ ability to bring you to the trials safely. You’re to be handed over to me, and I will personally see to all yourneeds.” His eyes scanned me from head to toe, oozing with lust that coated the corners of his cunning stare.

For a moment, I was relieved to hear that only the news about the harpies and the hounds reached Aelius. The queen didn’t know about me healing the fallen fae. That secret was, at least for the moment, still safe.

“Justmyneeds?” I spat back at him with a venomous tone. “Shame to leave yourself out of the equation. Or is going solo simply the norm for you?”

His sinister grin widened, stretching from ear to ear. “Well, not just yours. You’re correct, shifter. There must be some reward for all my hard work.” Seamus spoke in a low, sensual purr as he reached to twirl a strand of my hair around his finger.

“Well, sorry to disappoint you, but I’m perfectly fine. I don’t need anything fromyou.”

He stepped forward once again, his eyes dropping to my chest as his fingers danced along the open slit of my skirt before meeting my eyeline once more. “Yes… I can see that.” He tilted his head and narrowed his gaze, inhaling a deep breath near the base of my neck. “I didn’t detect an increase of fear in your scent when I mentioned your encounter with the creatures or the wilt. Pray tell, dear Champion, what do you fear if not death itself?”