“Cas,” Daxton’s voice was low, “I’m glad you have safely returned. Were you able to find the entrance to the second trial?”
“That and fucking more.” Castor’s eyes scanned the room, finding a bottle of wine and eagerly pouring himself a glass. “I went in…” he added before draining the contents the next second. “Damn. You got the good stuff out, brother. And without me? I’m slightly offended.”
“Castor,” Daxton pushed, my anxiety beginning to rise.
“I see things have become a bit cozier here since my departure.” Castor raised his brows, looking at the two of us. “Smelled it once I entered the godsdamn Summit, Dax. You’re not hiding much anymore, are you?” His eyes shot back and forth between us. “Does this mean I’m out of a job pretending to be in love with your mate then?”
“Gods. Please, yes,” I answered for Daxton, who gave me a soft half-smile before his gaze traveled back to his brother.
“Ouch,” Castor answered. “You could’ve hesitated just a little bit to save my pride.”
“What did you discover, Castor?” Daxton asked. “Did you encounter the creature?”
Daxton’s fingers found mine, and I squeezed them tightly. I wouldn’t allow my fears to break through—not here, not in front of the others.
“Thank the Gods, no… I didn’t encounter the creature with death’s stare, hence why I’m still breathing and able to grace you with my glorious presence. I know you’ve missed me.” Castor waved his arm in a dramatic display. “But,” he said, his tone shifting, “I did bring other means to help us answer the question of what Skylar will be facing.”
Daxton’s attention snapped to the hallway. “She’s here?”
“Who?” I asked him.
Daxton’s lips pressed into a thin line. “Nyssa.”
My stomach jumped into my throat as I stood. Daxton moved in time with me as I rushed to the hall’s opening.
Since healing the fallen fae, I had dreamed of seeing her again, talking with her, and learning anything about her I could. She was a Gods above blessing that I somehow had healed. Questions swirled in my mind, ranging from her own experiences to what she felt now.
“Hi,” I said softly, seeing her standing in the center of the hall just outside the doorway.
Castor walked past Daxton and me while the others remained inside. I had a feeling that if we all jumped up and ambushed her, it would not go well. Castor stood beside Nyssa, offering a warm, kind smile and gently placing a hand on her shoulder, inclining his head to encourage her forward.
“Nyssa signs to communicate,” Castor said, “but she can understand the spoken word. When I returned, I went to the archives first, and to my surprise, she was waiting there for me.” Castor’s eyes were fixated on Nyssa, his attention unwavering. “She asked to come see you.”
“I can interpret for you, Spitfire,” Daxton told me, and I nodded in agreement.
“Do you have something for me? Is there something you wanted to tell me?” I asked aloud, searching Nyssa’s face for any indication of what this sudden meeting was about.
Her golden-undertone peach skin looked soft and utterly flawless, even beneath the plain tan robes of the scribes. Her beauty was breathtaking. Dark, slanted eyes were framed by a delicate oval face, paired with midnight-black hair that cascaded down the length of her back.
She looked at me after handing a scroll to Castor with her hands raised to her chest. Daxton spoke the words as she began signing.
“I’ve been working with Idris and Adohan to try to help decipher your second trial, and I believe I have found the answer,” she signed, her dark eyes soft, yet her expression remained focused.
My eyes widened with surprise. I could not speak… My mouth was suddenly dry, and my throat cracked. Nyssa stepped forward, extending her hand toward me, causing Daxton to tense at my side.
“Let her touch you,” Castor pleaded. “I promise Skylar is safe, Daxton. Nyssa would never hurt the one who saved her.”
“It’s all right,” I told Dax. My animal was giving me a comforting feeling, indicating that I was safe. “I trust her.” I knew his curt nod was all I was going to get.
Nyssa reached out her hand to touch my cheek, and as soon as she did, I was whisked away in a vision.
Cold, wet stone surrounded me, and I was no longer standing beside Daxton in the Summit. Darkness enveloped the area with the feeling of death itself curling into the air I breathed.
I blinked as talons clinked against the stone, echoing through the narrowed passageway. “Clink, Clink… Hiss.” My head turned abruptly, and I saw the long tail of a serpent-like creature escape down the cavern.
The next thing I heard was a muffled scream of death … and then it was silent once more. The hissing sound crept into my senses, making my insides tighten, followed by a large gulping noise. My body moved forward, gliding around the corner to inspect the disturbance, and that is when I saw it.
The creature was slender with dark green, almost black scales along its back and a lighter shade of green on its underbelly. It was massive, stretching approximately fifty feet in length with four small legs supporting its body that held long black talons of death. It reminded me of a land-bound dragon. The massive head, which had a white crest in the middle, tilted backward as it swallowed its prey whole.