This is dangerous. For him. For me. For all of us.
A depth of regret and shame lay hidden behind his storm cloud eyes that stole the breath from my chest. I longed to leap into his arms and kiss away his pains, comforting him as he had done for me countless times before. Fighting the urge to run to him, I forced myself to remain where I stood. I needed to be strong, notmerely for him but also, for me. If Castor wasn’t holding onto me, I believe I would have.
“Daxton,” the queen’s voice snaked through the room, snapping us out of our trance and hurling us back into reality.
“Yes, Queen Minaeve?” His words were vacant and distant. Secretly laced with wild disdain and hatred beneath a calm exterior.
“We’ll lead the first dance together.” This wasn’t said as a request.
Silver Shadow stepped to Minaeve’s side from behind her throne and held out his arm. His midnight silk dress shirt was unbuttoned at the top of his collar, revealing an opening down toward the center of his firm chest. Goldstitching, not silver, adorned his attire. It dawned on me that it mimicked the same design Minaeve was wearing tonight.She was purposely putting him on display. Flaunting the fact that she was claiming him as hers.
I could see his muscles tense as Minaeve accepted Daxton’s arm, tracing her hand up his shoulder and lacing her fingers into his hair. She tugged on the base of his neck and pulled him in to kiss her.
Don’t fucking touch him!I desperately wanted to scream.
Watching them ignited an explosion of fury inside my chest. I clenched my fists until they turned white and gritted my teeth so tightly, I thought they would crack. My animal surged with rage and pumped power through my limbs, making me visibly shake against my escort’s steady hold.
Castor gripped my waist, sending waves of his ice magic through me to try and settle my wrath. His hold on me, was the only thing keeping me fromcharging up the steps and throwing myself between Daxton and Minaeve.
My eyes were ablaze with raw power as my animal continued to supply me with more and more of it, pushing me to help save him. To help in any way I could. Gods above, I was going to…
“This way. Let’s go,” Castor said.
Silently, I refused to budge.
“Now, Skylar!” Castor fronted me, blocking my view of the queen and Daxton. His eyes were black, a premonition of impending death taking hold. He blinked rapidly as the whites of his eyes returned.
“If you walk up those steps…” His jaw clenched. “Champion or not, Minaeve will see this as an insult and kill me as punishment for both you and Dax. Trust me, I’ve seen it.”
“Fuck,” I cursed.
“Fuck, indeed. Now let’s move onto the dance floor.”
Castor twirled me around in step with the vibrant music filling the ballroom. My temper continued to simmer, unable to erase the image of Daxton and Minaeve from my mind. Even with the music and dancing as a distraction, when I closed my eyes, all I could see was them.
I hated Minaeve. I even dared admit that I wanted to kill her. I wanted to win the trials so she could no longer call herself high queen. Dax and all the realms wouldn’t have to bow to a ruler who treated them like playthings or possessions.
Our world was dying, and the people of the Inner Kingdom were suffering from more than just the wilt.
“You’re falling behind, Skylar,” Castor said as he lifted and spun me around in the air before gracefully placing me back on the floor.
“I can’t—”
“You can. And you will.” He spoke as if there was no other option. And to be honest, I couldn’t argue. I knew there wasn’t.
“Look at me,” Castor commanded, and I snapped my eyes to meet his. “Not like that.” He sighed and twirled me around again. “Imagine I’m Daxton.”
“Cute.” He rolled his eyes. “I’ve seen the way you look at each other, and despite your reluctance to admit the obvious… I know there’s a connection forming between you both that goes beyond mere physical attraction.” I glared at him, but it didn’t seem to do me any good. “I’m sure I wasn’t the only one who noticed how my brother had to physically brace himself behind the queen’s throne as you entered the room on my arm.” I almost stopped dancing, stunned to hear this, but Castor gracefully countered, dipping me back into a low bend. “We both need to pretend tonight, Skylar. We both must imagine the face of another we wish to see.”
The sincerity in his words caught me off guard. “The face of another?”
He nodded as the music slowed, and he grasped my waist, pulling me close to his chest while holding out my other hand. “Place your right arm on my shoulder, around my neck.” I silently nodded and followed his instructions as we began blending in with the other couples dancing about the room.
Across the way, I saw Daxton dancing with Minaeve until Seamus approached them and bowed to cut in. He respectfully excused himself and retired to the side of the dance floor near the throne. He looked to befar away, finding whatever sanctuary he could inside his mind to guard himself as best he could.
“Focus, Skylar,” Castor cursed under his breath.Right. Focus. I gazed at Castor, trying my best to imagine he was Dax. “That’s a slight improvement.”