To hear him say those words to me in front of those he trusted most meant everything. I understood the depth of meaning and importance of his declaration. I leaned my brow toward him, inhaling our combined scents and sinking into his touch.
“I’m not starting the hour until you both sit with us around the hearth,” Idris warned.
“How quickly she seems to have forgotten the hold the mate bond had on her and Adohan,” Daxton mumbled, making me chuckle.
He took my hand as we joined the others, sitting on the floor near the roaring fire. We reclined against the base of the couch, with large pillows softening the hard floor beneath us. I sat between Daxton’s legs, leaning back against his chest and settling in comfortably with his arms wrapped around me. I leaned my head against his collarbone, nuzzling my forehead against the soft scruff of his trimmed beard. Even though I was wrapped in his arms, it still didn’t feel like I was close enough.
“I love you,” I whispered so only he could hear.
He tenderly kissed my forehead. “I love you, too.”
“All right, enough ofthis…” Gunnar said as he gestured toward us. “Some of us like the idea of venturing out and finding new partners to indulge in various … excursions with no commitments.” His eyes scanned over to Zola. “Know of any willing participants this evening?”
She burst out laughing, bending over and trying not to spill her wine. “That was one night. And one night only,” Zola said in a low, unamused tone. “I have centuries of experience you could never dream of mastering.”
“I’m a good student. And I’ve learned plenty since that night. I wager I could even manage to make those shadows of yours curl.”
“Far from it.” Zola sneered, sipping from her glass. “My fingers work just fine compared to what you may have…learned.”
“Oh, Zola!” Idris chided. “Okay. Enough! Gunnar, that one time with Zola is all you’ll get, so stop praying to the Gods for more. How much have you had to drink anyway? Have you lost your mind already tonight?”
“Not yet.” Gunnar laughed. “Sorry. Impossible things are happening as of late, so I thought I would try my hand,” he replied, raising his brows in unison.
“A hand is all you’ll get tonight,” Zola said.
“Is that an offer?” Gunnar leaned forward, his dark brown eyes contrasting against the silver streaks of hair shimmering in the fire light.
Zola narrowed her eyes into a piercing glare, and I fought back the laughter bubbling up in my throat, feeling Daxton’s deep chuckle rumble through his chest.
“Don’t encourage him,” Dax warned, “or this will continue for days. Gunnar likes to tease Zola, but sometimes, he pushes too far and ends up in the healers’ quarters for his efforts.”
“But they—”
“One night, centuries ago.”
“So, they could …”
“Never, according to Zola,” Dax continued, “Gunnar likes a challenge, so he keeps pursuing her.And apparently, from his account, it was one of the best nights he’s ever had.”
“Right.” I nodded, glancing between the two of them. “They could make a good pairing.”
Daxton shook his head, bending his knees and sitting up to grab a glass of wine. “Don’t start trying to play matchmaker now, Skylar. We’ve spent hundreds of years together, and nothing has changed. They love each other like family and would kill for the other without hesitation, but a pairing? A relationship beyond what they have now would be a nightmare for all of us.”
“And for those involved,” Zola added, tilting her glass skyward before draining the contents.
“You just lack imagination,” Gunnar said.
“Or you lack taste and the sense to treasure a fine wine rather than a cheap mug of mead at the local tavern,” Adohan added with Idris giving him a loving look of approval.
“Whatever gets the job done.” Gunnar grinned and emptied his glass, looking for the other bottle I brought.
“Where’s Castor when we need him?” Daxton murmured, sipping his wine.
I watched the red liquid drip on his delicious lips, biting my own in response, unable to help imagining licking the remnants remaining in his mouth before tasting it on his tongue.
Daxton’s eyes dipped to meet mine. “Careful, Spitfire.”
I flashed him a smug grin, sucking in my bottom lip. “I don’t always play by the rules.” His throat bobbed and his throbbing length hardened against my backside. I moved my hips, letting him know I could feel his growing arousal.