Less than two seconds passed before Solen said, “I see. You understand that if I discover you are being less than honest, the consequences will be most…uncomfortable.”

“I’m aware, and I’m not concerned. Parsnip is my one and only. I only discovered this a few days ago, so it is new. My reasons for not telling Parsnip are…complicated. But I assure you, I plan to claim him.”

“Assuming Parsnip agrees.”

“Of course.” I didn’t like the implication.

“Good. What is it you believe I can assist you with, Warlock Kines?”

It sounded like Soren might actually be willing to give up some information, and I wasted no time answering, “Letty Fox.”

“Hmm…an interesting situation. Not so unusual for a celebrity. However, most obsessed fans have an irrational affection for said celebrity.”

“Not in Letty Fox’s situation.”

“No. Her fascination seems to stem from deep-seated animosity. I assume this started when she was not chosen as the host ofInterspecies Habitat. Of course, her anger is misplaced. It is not Parsnip’s fault she wasn’t chosen, but clearheaded thinking rarely plays a part in these situations.”

I couldn’t really disagree.

“While I appreciate your concern, especially given that Parsnip is your one and only, I am uncertain what more I can legally tell you. I am Parsnip’s lawyer, and unless I get his express permission to share his legal concerns, I am afraid I will not be much help.”

I’d anticipated that answer and was relieved that when it came to the law, Solen was a typical, upstanding fairy lawyer.

“I understand and wouldn’t ask you to break client confidentiality. I’ll try not to ask sensitive questions regarding client/attorney privilege. What I am hoping you can do is give me some background information on Letty Fox.”

“That might be agreeable. What is it you wish to know?”

“She’s a witch who’s obviously off the rails. Why hasn’t her coven dealt with her?”

That was the interesting thing about witches. Their issues rarely reached the level of the Magical Usage Council or fairy law. They were a democratic group that typically cared for misguided witches within their covens. They dealt appropriate punishments and either set the wayward witch back on the right path or, worst-case scenario, bound their powers.

“Letty doesn’t belong to a coven.”

Wait, what?“All witches belong to covens,” I protested.

“That is untrue. Well over 99 percent do, but that still leaves a very small proportion of the species that does not. Letty Fox is a part of that minuscule percent.”

“Well, shit.” I blew out a deep breath. “That explains a few things.”

“It certainly does. What it doesn’t explain, and what you have failed to ask, is why.”

I didn’t think it was fair to judge me on what I hadn’t asked yet, considering I hadn’t exactly had the time. Remaining silent, I waited for Solen to expound, and thankfully, he didn’t disappoint.

“It seems that Letty was once a member of a small coven in Wyoming. This was approximately eleven years ago. Their coven leader died. The death was unexpected. I have been unable to find the particulars. As is common practice, the witch was taken care of within her coven, her body cremated within twenty-four hours of her death.”

That was typical practice. Sometimes, the ceremonial crematory fire was delayed forty-eight, maybe seventy-two hours at most, to allow the coven and distant family members to arrive. Small covens moved quickly to lay their deceased to rest.

“It seems Letty saw herself as the next coven leader. The others disagreed. Witch Fox was not pleased and denounced the coven. They, in turn, excommunicated her. The coven itself soon disbanded, and the few remaining witches were absorbed into other local covens.”

“But not Letty.”

“No. I ran across some reports that she attempted to join other covens, but she never seemed tofit. Within two years, she stopped socializing with other witches. Since that time, she has been a loner.”

That wasn’t good. Witches were a social bunch and relied on hierarchy within their covens for direction and grounding. I’d need to speak with Mattie soon, get her take on a lone witch and see if she thought it was as dire a situation as my gut told me it was.

“Is there anything else I can do for you?” Solen asked after I’d been quiet a little too long.

“No. Not that I can think of. I…” I didn’t know what else to say, what to ask. I’d been hoping Solen could point me in the direction of Letty’s coven and I’d be able to reach out and seek their help dealing with her. That plan was essentially shot to hell.