“Careful,” I teased. “That kind of wiggling will only get you one thing.”
Tilting his head, Parsnip ran the pad of his finger over his charm and, with a sultry flutter of his eyelashes, said, “Promises, promises.”
Oh, he was so on.The night was young, and Byx would be out of the house until morning. Growling low, I rocked, flopping onto my back, Parsnip straddling my waist, my thickening cock still happily snuggled into its newfound home.
Head thrown back, Parsnip’s laughter filled the room, along with my heart. There was no sweeter sound, and I’d work day and night to make sure I heard it as often as possible.
Goddess, only in my nightmares did I ever dream I’d be doing this. My wings were twitching madly, filling the space with mostly gray dust. Despite Peaches’s dire warnings of retribution, my dust had been too enticing, and a couple of sprites had already snatched a particle or two. Although I couldn’t really understand what they said, their tones led me to believe they were disappointed it didn’t change their color. After speaking with Peaches, we’d figured out the sprite who’d ingested some of my charmed dust had turned back into its standard, bright white color about the same time Letty removed my charm. Vander was looking into making a charm that could change Peaches’s dust just enough to make the sprites change color. Peaches said the sprites had asked, and as long as it wasn’t harmful, he was okay with it. The look on Lucroy’s face made me think he wasn’t as thrilled, not that he’d say anything that might make Peaches unhappy.
“You okay?” Vander asked. He knew I wasn’t and was just being polite.
I inhaled, taking in the clean, country air. The cold snap had broken, not that it wasn’t still chilly, just not bone-numbing cold. Peaches’s orchard really was beautiful. And if it was this pretty in the throes of winter, I couldn’t imagine what it would look like in the spring.
“No,” I truthfully answered. “But this is what’s right. It’s what’s best, and I can do it.” I pulled my aqua-colored shawl tighter. I’d made a trip to Petal’s Posh Pants and was decked out in a pale version of my previous aqua coloring. True to her word, Byx made special hair clips just for me. Swallowtail butterflies flapped their tiny wings, lifting sections of my hair every now and again.
“I know.” Vander bent over and placed a kiss on my temple.
I leaned into his touch. I’d been running my fingers over the crystal embedded in my skin. Despite the cool temperatures outside, it was always warm when my finger touched its surface. That same warmth pulsed through my skin, running like soft streams down my body, deeper into my flesh.
“Anything you need, just ask, pretty pixie.”
Vander had taken to calling me that. I’d hated hearing it come from Letty’s or Franny’s lips. But coming from Vander, the words were soothing and reassuring.
I watched as Mike set up the camera, getting ready for the shot. Divia and I’d decided the big reveal should be in front of Peaches’s home. I hadn’t wanted to wait, and Peaches was more than fine with the idea. When he’d seen the true me, he’d fussed and spun, scattering golden-yellow pixie dust everywhere. He’d gone on and on about how gorgeous I was and that he’d never seen another pixie with my colors.
Coming from another, I might have doubted their sincerity. But Peaches was different. Phil was too. All of us had plans to meet up at Dusk later this evening. I just had to get through this afternoon’s filming.
“Ready?” Divia asked. Her shimmering white hair was pulled back and twisted into an intricate knot. She was dressed in a blood-red pantsuit, nails painted black.
Inhaling, I squeezed Vander’s hand—hard. He didn’t flinch or pull away. “Ready,” I said with a lot more confidence than I truly had.
Divia gave a sharp nod. “Good. This episode is going to be ratings gold.” She grinned, showing off a double row of razor-sharp teeth. “Interspecies Habitat’sexecutives are fools, and we’re about to show them just what idiots they are.”
I wished I felt as sure as Divia. But either way, what would be would be. No matter what happened with the show, I’d still have Vander. Nothing and no one would ever take him from me and vice versa. Nothing on this planet could have given me more peace of mind, more infinite happiness.
“Go on,” Vander said. “I’ll be right here, waiting and cheering you on.”
Wings flaring to life, I lifted off the ground, eye level with my warlock. Grabbing the sides of his face, I pulled him close, kissing him deeply. “I love you.” Words that had once been so hard to say came surprisingly easy now.
“I love you too. Now, go show them what you’re made of, pretty pixie.”
My smile wasn’t as forced as I’d thought it would be, and I carried Vander’s confidence with me, wearing it like a cloak until the day I’d gained enough of my own to give back what I’d borrowed.
* * *
“Ithink we should have a watch party,” Phil said, voice slightly slurred. “When will the show air?” he asked while looking at me, grass-green eyes shiny.
“I’m not sure. Word will get out sooner though.” I wasn’t trying to hide. I’d walked into Dusk tonight with my head held high. No one in line recognized me. I wasn’t stopped. No line formed, desperate for a selfie. I thought I’d miss it. I hadn’t. Maybe one day I would, but I got the feeling a decade from now, I’d still feel the same.
“Oh!” Peaches leaned over the table, and Lucroy grabbed a hold of the back of Peaches’s shirt, steadying him. “Will they put a teaser up on the website?” Peaches’s eyes were wide, pupils a little too blown. He and Phil had been happily partaking in honeysuckle mead. Evidently, Johnny’s cousin made some of the best. I was still working on my first glass and had to agree that it was fantastic.
Losing control didn’t come easily to me. While living my charmed lie, I’d had to be very vigilant. I couldn’t afford to get rip-roaring drunk, and despite my newfound emotional freedom, I didn’t think I’d feel that comfortable for some time. Still, watching Phil and Peaches have a good time was enjoyable.
“No offense, Vander, but this stuff looks horrid.” Sedrick sniffed the drink he set down in front of my warlock, nose wrinkling. “Smells bad too.”