Those clothes quickly went by the wayside, mine following posthaste. Carefully, I laid Parsnip out on the bed, his wings flattened against the mattress, gray-toned hair fanned out over the pillow, those hints of aqua on full display. I swallowed hard, still unable to believe this stunning creature was mine, that I got to see this beautiful display until death claimed us. With any luck, I’d be blessed with decades of this stunning view.
“Are you just going to stare all night or are you going to do something?” Parsnip ran his fingers up and down his chest, each pass inching lower yet avoiding touching his thick cock.
“Can’t help it,” I defended. “The view is too good.”
Parsnip’s pale skin flushed a soft pink. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. I didn’t think he knew what to say. That was okay with me. I didn’t need his words. The deep, adoringly trusting look in his eyes spoke volumes.
Bending over, I nipped Parsnip’s nipple, earning me a little yip of surprise. Running the flat of my tongue over the sting, Parsnip eased back onto the bed, unaware that I’d used the distraction to fish out the lube from a nearby night table.
“How long has it been?” I asked while warming the lube on my fingers.
Parsnip hesitated before finally answering, “Long enough.”
“I’ll go slow. Tell me if it’s too much.”
I raised Parsnip’s legs, scooting a pillow under his bottom and raising his body. My cock was proportionate to the rest of my body. Nothing on me was small. Thankfully, pixies’ bodies were adaptable.
One finger turned into two, which quickly turned into three. Parsnip didn’t tell me to stop. In fact, he begged me for more, begged me to keep going. When he was open enough, I lined myself up and pushed inside. Parsnip took all of me in, drawing me deep into his warm body until I hardly knew where I stopped and Parsnip began.
“Oh.” Parsnip arched just enough for his wings to wiggle. It was instinct.
“Feel good?” I whispered, my breath ghosting across his pointed ear. I needed to hear it. Needed Parsnip to tell me to move.
“So good,” Parsnip answered with a whine. “Vander, I need…”
I didn’t wait for him to formulate more words. I moved. Gaia, good was too weak a word. Parsnip was everything, and being inside him, connecting to my one and only… There wasn’t a word in any language that could express what I felt.
Parsnip’s groans and moans of pleasure were muted, half-whispered pleas into the night. Each little gasp filled me with satisfied joy. Making Parsnip happy, giving him pleasure, and seeing to his every need was a life goal I looked forward to attempting every day for the rest of my life.
The slap of flesh, the scent of sweat, and the echoed moans of pleasure made me glad Byx wasn’t in the house.
“Vander, I—”
“Let it go. I’ve got you. I’ll always have you.” My balls tightened, drawing up, ready to burst. With Parsnip’s charm in my hand, I used the other arm to pull him off the bed and into my lap. I kept rocking into him, and his wings fluttered madly, filling the bedroom with sparkling pixie dust.
Pressing the charm against the skin over his beating heart, I spoke the activation chant as Parsnip’s warm cum exploded, coating our stomachs. I didn’t last much longer, filling Parsnip up and emptying everything I had into him—my cum, my love, and my charmed magic.
A flash of bright white light lit my vision beyond my closed eyelids. It was down to a warm glow by the time I opened my eyes. There, shimmering in shades of aqua and the warmest glow, was the charm I’d crafted, now embedded and part of Parsnip’s flesh. The ties that now bound us weaved their way into my soul, swiftly traveling down all my magical pathways. I shivered, our new bond seamlessly entwining with the pixie bond already there.
“Can you feel it?” I asked, nearly breathless.
“I… It’s so warm, so…” Parsnip’s breath caught, tears leaking from the corners of his eyes.
“No, it’s okay.” He giggled, the sound nothing like I’d ever heard from him before. It was so light, so full of immense joy. “That’s not true. It’s fucking far from okay. It’s wonderful. Goddess, there isn’t a word that describes it.”
I knew what he meant. “I get it.”
“I had no idea anything could ever feel this good. I feel…safe.” Parsnip’s eyes flew wide, and more tears flowed. “I know that doesn’t sound very special, but to me, it’s everything. I haven’t felt safe in so long. I didn’t think I’d ever feel that way again, but you…you were willing to give up your warlock nature to save me and Byx. I…” Parsnip shook his head before laying his forehead against my chest, soft hair falling around his shoulders and sensually sliding against my skin.
“And I’d do it again in a heartbeat. Never doubt that.”
“I don’t. That’s the point. I know you would and…and I never want you to do that, but knowing you would is… Just so you know, I’d do the same.”
I raised an eyebrow. “Really? I didn’t know you were a warlock too. I had no idea that pixies could be—” Slapping me on the shoulder, Parsnip wiggled, reminding me that my cock was still nice and warm and pleasantly buried in the sweetest flesh imaginable.