* * *

Ididn’t know if it was my will or just Gaia taking matters into her own hands. Whatever the reason, by the end of the week, I felt like I could craft the most intricate charm and still have enough energy to do twenty more.

The charm I worked for Parsnip wasn’t the most intricate I’d ever done, but it was the most important. This charm wouldn’t simply be worn but would become a part of him. It would meld with his body and could never be removed.

The crystal-clear quartz was no bigger than a dime, but it was packed with my love, affection, and dedication. Once bonded, Parsnip would never doubt my commitment to him. I’d be with him the same way he was with me.

“It’s so small,” Byx said, staring over my shoulder. “I figured it would be bigger.”

“Haven’t you ever heard that good things come in small packages?” I teased.

“Good thing that’s a true saying.” Byx moved around me and grinned. “So, tonight’s the big night, huh?”

“It is.” My gaze wandered toward the stairs and my bedroom beyond. “Parsnip’s on the phone with Divia. They’re working out tomorrow’s logistics.”

“Got it. I’ll head out soon. I just wanted to see what it looked like before activated.”

“Thanks, Byx.” Maybe we needed to look into a bigger space. One that had an area for Byx so she didn’t have to leave every time Parsnip and I got up to sexy times.

“No worries,” she reassured me. Head cocked to the side, Byx huffed before throwing herself at me. I caught her with anoof.

“I’m so happy for you, Van. Mamma would be too. You deserve to be happy, and I’m glad you dragged your head outta your ass and went after Parsnip.”

I hugged her tight. “Me too.”

With a final squeeze, Byx pushed off my lap. “Don’t screw this up, Van,” she said, wagging a finger in my general direction. “You only get to bond with your one and only once. That’s the whole point of the thing.” Then, with a final wink, she blinked out, transporting herself to her aunt’s house.

I’d seen her do it a hundred times, her mother even more. Watching brownies transport never got old.

With the shop closed and Byx gone, the space quieted. I could barely hear Parsnip’s muted voice, growing louder as I climbed the stairs. I didn’t have a fancy dinner planned. Truth be told, I didn’t have much of a plan at all beyond completing the bond. Byx was probably terribly disappointed in me. Thankfully, I didn’t think Parsnip would care.

“If you think that’s best,” Parsnip said, speaking into his cell.

He was currently on FaceTime with Divia, something he said he used to rarely do. Parsnip had been so worried about allowing his true colors out that he’d never considered what the lie was doing to him. My pretty pixie was so much stronger now, so much more confident.

I didn’t hear Divia’s response, but Parsnip nodded. When he saw me leaning against the doorframe, he held out a hand. I happily heeded his call.

When I came into the frame, Divia smiled. “Hello, Vander. How are you feeling?”

“Good. Back to normal.” It was a slight exaggeration, but not much of one.

“Excellent. I hear you’ll be accompanying Parsnip tomorrow.”

“I’ll be wherever he wants me.”

Divia’s grin grew, scrunching her eyes. “Also excellent to hear. I think Parsnip and I’ve got everything hashed out. I’ll let him go and see you both tomorrow.”

The screen blackened, and Divia was gone.

Rubbing Parsnip’s back, I asked, “Everything okay?”

“Yeah, it’s just… It’s a lot.”

“It is. Have I told you recently how brave I think you are?”

Parsnip gave me a dismissive wave. “I’m not brave.”

“The hell you aren’t.” I sat on the bed, scooting him over. “You’re the bravest.”