I hated it too, but that didn’t change the fact that I couldn’t help it. I’d been burned so badly, to the point where I didn’t recognize myself. Now I had to rely on someone else’s magic to make me feel like…me.

“I know,” I sighed, even though we both realized that knowing something didn’t always change one’s reactions.

“I’m sorry this assignment isn’t as enjoyable as some of your others. You know I’m just a phone call or a plane ride away. No matter what your…No matter what, Nip, I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere.”

My fluttery panic eased, and for an instant, I wondered why I’d felt so worried. Parsley had a way of doing that, of taking away my anxiety and making me feel like everything was going to be okay. I just wished I could always believe and that I could wrap my body in a cloak of my brother’s love.

“Thanks, Parse,” I managed to choke out. Tears filled my eyes, stinging like mad as I held them at bay. That was another thing pixies weren’t supposed to do—cry.

“There’s nothing to thank me for. I love you, no matter your color.”

My tears fell. If only everyone else viewed the world through Parsley’s eyes. But they didn’t. It was a hard truth, and I was willing to lie through my teeth, give away all my money, and sell off bits and pieces of my life force to avoid facing their ridicule.

“Thanks, Parse. Love you too.”

The line went silent, leaving me alone in my rented home with only the sound of the heat kicking on for company. For a social pixie, life was very lonely.



I was an idiot. Or, more precisely, I was about to do something completely idiotic. If Georgiana were still alive, she would have zapped me and placed a binding spell on my legs to keep me home. Then again, I probably had her to thank for the mess I found myself in. If it weren’t for this ridiculous ring, I doubt I would have given Parsnip more than a passing thought. Then again, if it weren’t for the ring, I probably would have fucked up even greater and missed out on a chance with my one and only.

I stared down at the warm metal band, its onyx surface still shot through with crimson spiderwebs. I’d thought the metal was simply warm from lying against my skin, but that wasn’t true. Curiously, this ring was warmer than all the others, so unless my left index finger ran hotter than the rest of my body, Georgiana’s magic was at work.

Running my hand over my face, my fingers scrubbed the constant five o’clock shadow covering my chin. Thank Gaia it wasn’t a weekend. Otherwise, I doubted I would have been able to get into Dusk. From what I understood, in Rutherford Haven, it was the place to be and be seen. Dusk mostly catered to non-human species, but I’d seen the stray Homo Sapiens here and there. Time would tell if they were either brave or stupid. From what I knew of humans, it was probably a mix of both.

“You comin’ in, or you just gonna stand out here all night, brooding?”

I found those words amusing, given they came from a huge, dour-looking troll.

“Either get your ass through the door or get outta line. Others are waitin’.”

I flicked my gaze behind me only to realize the troll bouncer was right. It wasn’t a very long line, but others were waiting.

“Sorry,” I said. “Just mulling some things over.”

The troll, whose neatly embroidered shirt proudly proclaimed he was named Bax, rolled his eyes. “Then mull inside with a drink in your hand.”

“Right.” I took the hint and walked through the door. The music I’d heard outside was louder inside. Thankfully, it wasn’t too obnoxious. Even so, I had no idea how weres dealt with the booming sound.

The place wasn’t exactly hopping, but it was barely after 10:00 p.m. From the information I’d found online, Dusk’s busiest time was between 11:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. I was a little early, but that suited me just fine. I didn’t necessarily abhor crowds, but I didn’t seek them out either.

Byx said I was stuffy. She also said I was old.

“Something I can get you, newbie?” A human with flaming orange hair asked from behind the bar. A heavily studded collar was wrapped around her neck, and she appeared stuck somewhere between bored and irritated.

“Got any burnt rum?”

A hint of interest sparked in her eyes before she gave a slow nod. “Don’t get much call for that, seeing as not many warlocks find their way through our doors. I think there’s a bottle on the top shelf. I’ll need to check and see.”

I waved her off. “If it’s too much trouble—”

“No trouble. Although, it’s a shame Phil or Peaches isn’t here. They could fly up and get it without having to pull out a ladder.”

Byx was the only reason I knew Peaches’s name and species. She’d gone digging, trying to find out why Parsnip was in the area. She’d locatedInterspecies Habitat’s official website and found a list of shows they were working on. The only one even remotely close to Richmond was in Rutherford Haven. The couple the show this particular episode was going to feature was the king of the Southeast nest and his new beloved, a nature pixie named Peaches. I could hardly believe it when Byx told me about the pairing. Given what the human had just said, it sounded like Byx wasn’t wrong.

It also sounded like I might be on the right track.