“Throw your wet clothes into the bedroom,” I softly instruct her, “I’ll put them in the dryer before I go grab something for you to put on and leave it on the bed.”

Olivia walks into the bathroom and slowly pushes the door shut behind her. After a moment, it cracks slightly, and she shoves her clothes through. With her body well hidden behind the door, she peeks her face into the crack and says, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” I nod back as she shuts the door. As soon as it closes, I hear the quiet click of the lock engaging, promptly followed by the stream of water in the shower.

Gathering her soaked leggings, shirt, pants, cute lacy undergarments, and socks from the floor, I head toward the laundry room to toss them in the washer.

I pass Kris in the kitchen with my arms full of Olivia’s clothes. “So, you’re never going to believe this.”

“A girl came home with you and took off her clothes?” he responds in jest.

“Very fucking funny,” I deadpan. “She totally thought that you and I…”

I can’t even get the words out before I start laughing.

“That you and I, what?” Kris snaps.

I chuckle. “She thought you were my lover.”

“I don’t know why the fuck you’re laughing.” Kris scowls, and his eyebrows push together. “I’m a fucking catch.”

“Yeah, okay,” I sarcastically reply, shoving Olivia’s clothes into the washer.

“Yeah, really. I’m a business owner. I’m a mechanic, and we all know that means I’m good with my hands,” he continues to present his case. “I’m a courteous fucking lover, and I have a huge fucking cock.”

“I’m sorry, Kris.” I turn to face him. “But are you actually making an argument as towhyI should date you?”

His face further scrunches. “Fuck, no!”

“Good,” I smirk, “Because you’ve got way too much facial hair to be my type. Plus, there’s that whole not having tits and a pussy thing.”

“Fuck you,” he mumbles as I head back to my bedroom to grab clothes for Olivia.

The shower has already stopped running by the time I walk into the bedroom, and Olivia is walking from the bathroom as I’m placing the clothes for her on the bed.


Her luscious, long, black hair is dripping droplets of water down her perfectly smooth skin. Her pert tits are nearly overflowing from the tiny towel wrapped around her petite frame. My eyes follow the length ofthe towel down her body; it rests at the top of her thighs. Just low enough to cover her but high enough to leave me enthralled with the idea of what I can’t see.

If there was any residual doubt about my sexuality, I’m pretty sure the cock growing in the tight confines of my pants is solidifying my preference.



Stepping from the bathroom, I’m surprised to find Nick standing before me.

“Oh, shit,” he mumbles as he drops the clothes on the bed, “I’m sorry.”

His words and tone might be apologetic, but his eyes tell a different story as I watch them hungrily trail over every inch of my exposed skin.

It isn’t every day a guy who looks like Nick is this captivated by me.

I don’t think guys that look like him ever give me a second glance.

Nick is tall, probably a few inches over six feet. His dark hair is cropped almost short enough to be a buzz-cut. The adorable, panty-dropping craters of dimples that appear when he smiles are probably a huge deterrentfor him growing out his facial hair. His shoulders are broad, but he has the lean muscular physique of a guy who runs frequently. Which, with his job, makes quite a bit of sense.

As my eyes roam down his body, I notice the massive and growing bulge at the front of his pants.