Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I struggle to take in the unfamiliar surroundings in the dark. My elbow hits a wall of muscles when I attempt to roll onto my back, resulting in a soft groan from behind me.

“Shhhh,” another deep voice whispers a few inches from my head. Reaching my hands in front of me, I feel the warm, rigid muscles of the man lying in bed with me.

I’m laying between two men.


That wasn’t some near-death experience dream.

That really fucking happened.

I fucked two men I don’t even know!

…at the same fucking time.

“You’re up early, Jersey.” The groaning wall of muscles laying behind me rolls closer and grazes a hand over my hip, “Are you eager for round two?”

Round two?

If the throbbing soreness between my thighs is any indication, I think I barely survived round one.

“How are you feeling?” Kris grabs my hand, splaying it across his chest, and laying his over top of it.

“Sore.” I lightly chuckle pressing my palm gingerly against my throbbing pussy. The growl of my empty stomach echoes through the quietness of the room and I blurt out, “And fucking starving.”

Kris lifts his head from the pillow and glances at the alarm clock barely illuminating the room. Kissing my palm and throwing back the covers, he climbs out of bed and announces, “Pre-sunrise pancakes coming right up.”

Who the fuck wakes up that happy?

“Can you tone down the eager beaver, early bird gets the worm bullshit?” Nick groans at him. “It’s still fucking dark outside.”

“Two minutes ago, you were wide awake trying to get some pussy,” Kris snarks at him.

“Puuuusssssy,” Nick emphatically draws out the word as he pulls me against his body. “I’m over here tryingto stay in bed, and you’re jumping out of it for fucking pancakes.Pancakes!”

“The two of you fight like an old married couple,” I chuckle, knowing the words coming out of my mouth are going to get me into trouble. “This is totally why I thought?—"

Nick snakes his hand around my neck and squeezes tight enough to cut off my words. Dragging his teeth along my neck, he growls, “I will happily prove to you again that the sweet little cunt between your thighs is all I want.”

“Behave.” Kris scowls at Nick from the open doorway.

“Yes, Dad,” Nick snickers at him as Kris leaves the room. The moment he is out of earshot, Nick rolls us over and pins me facedown to the mattress. His hard cock presses against my ass, and he whispers into my ear, “I lied. That sweet little cunt isn’t the only thing I want.”

“I know you aren’t behaving.” Kris’s voice bellows from the kitchen. “Get out of bed and let Olive eat something.”

“I’m only listening because you’re going to need your strength for what I have in mind for you.” Nick nips at my neck before sliding off me and pulling me from the bed. Holding my hand, he leads me down the hallway to his room. Pulling open a drawer of the dresser, he grabs a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt.

“I’d love to enjoy my pancakes with you naked on my lap, but I’m pretty sure Dad would yell at me again.” He rolls his eyes as he pulls the shirt over my head.Sleep Token.He steps into the sweatpants and pulls them on before flipping off the light.

“Wait!” I exclaim. “I don’t get any pants?”

“No.” His voice is firm. “I like knowing that bare little pussy of yours is on display and ready to be taken.”

“And who says you’re going to get to take it?” I lift an eyebrow at him, knowing damn well I will eagerly fuck the two of them again.

My words spark a fire in him.

And it’s fucking hot.