“What is it?” She eyes it warily, though I’m not sure whether she does that because of the headline or the state of the note. “Never Have I Ever?” she asks dubiously.

“Ya. For us.” Okay. Now that it’s in her hands, I’m second guessing all of it. Maybe it’s too juvenile. “I was going to get you a cinnamon pie and bring it to you—”

Her body crashes into me.

“You like it?”

“I love it.”

I whisper in her ear, “I love you.”

And a new chorus of hoots and hollers fills the room. They’re all teasing me.He really loves her, in a sing-song voice. That has to be Finn. But it could have been Graham. I can’t tell. And I don’t care because then I hear what she says.

“I love you, too.”

I have to kiss her. I don’t give a shit who’s watching. My head dips and I sweep my mouth over hers. But what I thought was going to be a kiss turns into me devouring her. Apparently I didn’t get enough of her last night. Something tells me that I’ll never get enough of this girl. My sweet cinnamon-loving woman that runs her own shop and takes all kinds of risks in life. I love her so much.

“Okay. But truth here.” She pulls back so we’re staring at each other. “Were you going to bake the cinnamon pie or buy it?”

“I was hoping Georgie would help me make it. They’re pretty quick, right?”

“Mhmmm,” she murmurs while kissing me hungrily.

“Get a room!” Nolan shouts.

We will. We’re going to get a whole house actually. And I can’t wait. But for right now, I’ll let my guys sweat it out for a second while I get my girl.

Because I have to say, while her baking is good, she is definitely the tastiest thing on the menu.



A Little While Later

I can’t believe this is my life. Hunter’s arms are wrapped around me as I lean against his rock hard chest sipping my iced cinnamon latte. He’s everything I dreamed he was and more. He’s caring and affectionate with me and encourages me in my life goals. Ahem—even when those goals include trying new recipes that don’t exactly succeed. But you know I had to try making cinnamon matcha cookies at least once in my life.

Anyway, he’s the best boyfriend ever, and we’re so happy together. We already knew each other’s families, so that was an easy transition. Moving in together had a couple of hiccups, and the first one almost devastated me. The man looked gorgeous making me banana chocolate chip pancakes, but then—I can’t believe I’m saying this—he cracked an egg…and yes, you know what’s coming…he washed the egg yoke from his fingers off into the towel. I nearly died. Again. These near-death experiences are accumulating. Anyway…needless to say, no one’s perfect, but oh, so close! We had a chat and he agreed that his actions were vulgar and would never do it again. I trust him to do the right thing.

Everything else has been incredible. I love living with him, and I can totally see my future with him. But I’m trying not to get too ahead of myself. I mean, c’mon, my last relationship lasted ten years and moved at a snail’s pace, so anything feels faster than that. Just trying to keep my head on.

Today we’re having a picnic in one of the many green spaces in Lit Creek, and a few people have shown up to join us. My brother’s here. Oh, and thankfully we talked about why he was so upset that morning. Apparently it had nothing to do with me and Hunter getting together. Wyatt was worried about me and always wants to be the one to take care of me. Thankfully he’s willing to relinquish that control. And not just to Hunter, but to me. (Since I’m an adult and all.) Also, he had heard early news about the wildfire, and he thought that Hunter had missed the calls. Anyway, it was all a bit of a mess, but it’s all worked out now.

Hunter’s brothers are all here too, and so is Georgie. Come to think of it, his whole family is here. Almost like he planned it.

“Hey, what do you think about that list I gave you?” Hunter asks.

“What list?”

“The Never Have I Ever list.”

“Oh, you were serious about it?”

“Did you even read it? I know for a fact that if you did, your cheeks would be flaming about now. And there it is. That firetruck red is staining your cheeks in the prettiest way. You’re the most gorgeous woman I know. You’re also the kindest, sweetest, and most determined person I’ve met. You started your own business and are so good at everything you do, Sweets. It still makes me chuckle to picture you climbing that fence and getting stuck. But man am I glad that you tried to be such a badass.” His smile turns into a chuckle.

“What are you laughing about?”

“Just you.”