Oh, fuck.
Her teeth sank into her bottom lip, and he felt it, wanting to feel her bite into his.
"And I think," her voice was deeper, her shoulders lifting and falling with her breaths deepening, "I wouldn't mind that in the least."
He smiled and felt his heart pounding against his ribs as he reached for the bottle. Keeping his gaze on her face he put more lotion in his hand. "Where should I start?"
He gently rubbed his hands together and set his hands on the sides of her neck.
She drew in a breath between her lips and lifted her face toward his.
His lips touched hers as his hands slipped down from her neck to her shoulders and they moved together toward the wall.
For a moment, Vince thought he should stop and leaned back, but Cora gripped his arms and drew him back with her.
She had his head spinning.
When she reached the wall, they broke apart and his gaze met hers. They were both breathing heavily, shoulders raising, eyes searching.
"Are you... are we-"
She nodded. "Oh, yeah-"
"I don't want to push-"
"You're not-"
She raised up on the balls of her feet, or at least that's what he assumed, because her lips were on his.
He had a feeling they'd be getting here sooner or later, but he wasn't going to complain.
Not at all.
Her lips parted and he swept his tongue inside her mouth.
Crazy, that's how he felt. Crazy for the girl.
His hands moved over her back and the towel bunched up under his hands.
He couldn't believe how amazing it felt to kiss her, he was falling and falling fast.
Everything about her was-
The sound started to clear the fog in his head, but not fast enough.
He had half a clue, but that was all he managed before the front door swung open.
"What the fuck?"
"What the fuck?"
Cora heard her brother's voice, and she froze.