There was something almost electric between the two and Cora had a feeling that her brother was in over his head when it came to Maile.
She was petite, but she was fierce, and Cameron should be careful how he treated her, because Cora was sure that Maile could go toe to toe with him and she could probably take him down. Smiling to herself, she felt her body shake with laughter.
"Oh, hey..."
Cora cringed and bit into her bottom lip. "Sorry, did I wake you?"
Vince opened his eyes and managed a smile for her. "Kind of, but I've been hovering half in and out for a bit. You, okay?"
"Yeah. I woke up with that horrible feeling that I was falling off the bed."
He narrowed his eyes at her. "Why sleep on the edge if you're worried about that?"
"It's just how I've always slept. When I sleep in the middle of the bed without an arm hanging off the side, I can't get to sleep."
His expression said he wasn't sure what to make of her sleeping habits, but she didn't either, so...
"I know it's a little crazy. When I bought a bed for my apartment in Chicago, I sent a picture to Cam, and he sent me a text back a few seconds later asking me why I would waste the money on a queen-sized bed when I barely slept on a twin."
"It's your bed," he spoke softly to her, "you can get whatever you want."
She folded her hands together and tucked them under her cheek. "I must make him sound like a complete jerk. He's not, though."
Vince turned fully on his side and wrapped an arm around the pillow. "I think you love him a lot. That, I can hear in your voice when you talk about him." He stifled a yawn and gave her a lop-sided smile. "If he was a jerk, you wouldn't love him the way you do."
Her heart warmed in her chest hearing Vince's words. It was nice to think that he could hear that in her words.
She really did want him to get along with Cameron, not just because she wanted her time in Hawaii to go smoothly. Cora felt herself drawn to Vince in a way she'd never felt for anyone that she'd met. Definitely not for someone in a romantic way.
There was a chance that the odd way that they met might make things more difficult than she'd like, but so far things were... progressing in a way that made her cheeks warm right along with her heart. There was just something about Vince that made her believe that there was something building between them.
"He really is a good brother." Her heart constricted when his smile deepened. "And even though he's acting like an ogre at the moment. I feel like everything is going to be okay." She felt an impish grin curl up the corners of her mouth. "If not, Maile said she's going to kick him in the nuts for me."
Vince's expression was suddenly pained, his brow twisting. "Did she really say that?"
Her lips pressed into a line as she thought over Maile's actual words. "Not exactly. Kawehi had to translate for me. She said that the more upset Maile gets, the more she uses Pidgin."
The furrow between his brows deepened. "Pidgin?"
"We didn't get to talking about that on the plane because I don't understand it much myself. It's actually Pidgin English, which is a combination of slang words and phrases that developed as a number of ethnicities made Hawaii their home."
Vince's expression eased. "Kind of like a stew of languages in one?"
She nodded and relaxed into the cushions. "That's a neat way to explain it. So, Maile said it in a very colorful way that her cousin had to translate into a... kinder, more concise way."
"So, kick him in the nuts." Vince shrugged. "I'd pay for a ticket to see her try."
Cora looked at him with her cheeks blazing with heat. "Me, too."
"You know," Vince reached out a hand and brushed a lock of her hair back from her face, "I have a feeling that your brother doesn't know what to make of Maile."
She nodded, adjusting her hands under her cheek. "I think the same is true for her. Kawehi mentioned that they argue a lot, but the steam seems to be less from anger and more from-"
"Interest?" Vince's eyebrows lifted a little. "I think it's going both ways if I'm reading things."
"Yeah?" She grinned at him and leaned in closer. "I think I'm seeing the same signs, and I have to say, it's sweet that I'm here to see it."
"Your brother is really lucky to have you as his sister."