It wasn't long before the party started to slow down and those who didn't live at the condo were off early enough.
The marines that lived in the condo made it clear that Cora should stay outside and enjoy the night because they'd take care of the dishes.
And it was Buck that stopped by the side of her chair and put a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Just call me when you two are up and around in the morning. Take your time sleeping in since the time change can be brutal." He bowed his head a little. "Hawaii's time zone is like an immovable force. It's just sitting here in the ocean. So take care, you two, and I'll see you when you're conscious in the morning."
Cora didn't seem all that eager to head inside and he wasn't either. Vince didn't feel like they were staying out of her brother's way. She was here to see her brother, after all.
As they sat outside, enjoying the quiet evening, Vince heard a soft sigh.
He reached out and put his hand out, palm up. "You, okay?"
Vince didn't see her head move to look at him, but her hand settled against his palm a moment later. When he curled his fingers around her hand, she mimicked the gesture around his as well. It felt good.
Maybe, too good.
"I'm sorry," her soft voice and heartfelt words turned his head.
"For what?" He tried to keep his voice soft. Whatever it was that she was apologizing for couldn't be all that bad.
"I didn't think about your clothes. I didn't think that you'd have clothes for cold weather and here?" She sighed as if there was a heavy weight on her shoulders. "I don't want you to feel like you have to buy a bunch of stuff, maybe I can have Cam lend you some stuff."
It was hard to fight off the laughter that was on the tip of his tongue. It wasn't directed at her. "It's really sweet of you, but I doubt your brother has anything that I'd fit."
Cora turned in her chair and looked over at him, her eyes sparkling in the darkness. It might have been from the stars above or maybe the fire in the pit, but all he could see was her beautiful face. "He is a monster, isn't he?"
It took him a moment or two to react to her words. He wasn't sure exactly how to answer. He was a monster of a man, he could easily play a Grecian God or stand as a model for a statue, but he wasn't sure if she was talking about his behavior for much of the day.
Vince had been trying to figure out ways to keep out of Cameron's way so that he wouldn't be any more upset than he already was.
Vince didn't think Cora had anticipated Cameron's reaction to her bringing home aguyfriend.
And while Cameron thought that they were 'together,' she hadn't tried to contradict him. Vince was following her leadwith that and everything else. Well, except for the kisses they'd shared.
He smiled thinking about it.
"You're right, though."
She lowered her gaze, and he wasn't sure if she was looking at their hands or the lush green grass under their bare feet.
Either way, he felt the loss of her gaze.
A breeze moved through him, and he closed his eyes to drink in the moment. It was a memory that he wanted to keep.
To savor.
"I'm glad you came with me."
Vince opened his eyes to look at Cora and almost bumped noses with her.
When had she moved closer?
In the half dark, the night sky stretching over their heads and the fire in the pit flickering at their feet, Vince felt like he was truly in paradise. "I'm glad you came up with the idea."
Her smile lit up his world.
"This is amazing, Cora."
She grinned. "I can't imagine being here without you."