As far as she was concerned, she had her first taste of paradise, and they hadn't even left the airport.
Vince knewat a glance who Cora's brother was.
They didn't resemble each other at all, but they didn't need to.
As they walked into the baggage claim area for Alaska Air, he saw the mountain of a man hovering by the moving conveyor belt.
It wasn't more than a second before the man turned to look at the woman walking beside him, almost as if he sensed her presence.
Another second later his gaze fell on their joined hands and Vince swore he saw the man bristle.
Cora's quick in-drawn breath and beatific smile lit Vince up inside as well.
As soon as she moved forward, he let go of her hand and he brought his hands together in a self-soothing gesture. He'd never been one for holding hands when he was dating someone. He hardly liked to touch others in casual gestures, but he already knew that Cora was different.
He wanted to touch her hand.
Her hair.
She jumped and the redheaded mountain of a man hugged her tight.
He even smiled and Vince had a feeling that it didn't happen all that often.
"OHMYGOD, I swear you've grown!"
"Me?" Her brother's laugh sounded like it was bouncing back off of all of the walls.
But Vince was smiling at Cora's exclamation.
If she was right, her brother had still been a giant when she saw him last, but what had him feeling like his face was full in the sun, was the look on her face as her brother turned her in a slow circle and set her down on the ground. She was so happy that she was practically incandescent with joy.
Out of the corner of his eyes, Vince kept an eye out for the bags that were coming in from the flight, so he wasn't invading their reunion. It wasn't like they had any hope of privacy in an airport, but he wanted her to have every moment she could get with her brother.
He knew how much she'd missed being near her brother. She'd told Vince all kinds of stories of their exploits growing up and he knew how nervous she was to see him after over a year of being apart.
It was good to see that a man that big could be gentle and protective of any woman, but Vince could see how much Cameron loved his sister. No matter how Cameron treated Vince, Vince was determined to get along with the Marine.
Inwardly he cringed.
He didn't have a problem with Marines, but Marines tended to have a problem with Navy sailors. It was something he'd gotten used to.
It didn't mean he liked it.
"Cam, come meet Vince."
Vince started in their direction and heard the question he knew was coming.
"Who is Vince?"
Vince reached out his hand to Cora's brother and gave him a smile that he hoped Cameron couldn't find fault with. "I'm Vince. Vince Lazar. It's nice to meet you."
He waited a moment to see if Cameron was going to shake his hand, but it seemed like he wasn't about to, and Vince had to consider how to back out of it without calling too much attention to the slight.
"Come on, Cam." Cora's laugh diffused the tightness in Vince's chest. "Don't be a dork. Come on, give me your hand."