Shuffling forward to get out of the plane, Cora panicked and tried not to audibly groan.

And failed.

Leaning closer, Vince murmured quietly near her ear. "Are you okay?"

"Uh... yeah! Sure!"

She smiled hoping that he'd heard that in her voice and wouldn't see the worry she was feeling.

"Try again," he chuckled. "I can feel you worrying from back here. This is going to be great."

Cora nodded, willing herself to pull it together.

"I might have forgotten to let my brother know that I've brought a friend."

Vince chuckled behind her. "Friend-zoned in Hawaii. That hurts a little."

Cora turned to look at him and felt her elbow connect with him.

"And now you're trying to hurt me." He moaned as he rubbed his chest.

"Are you teasing me?" She shook her head. "You're teasing me, aren't you!"

"Guilty!" He lifted the hand that he'd been rubbing against his chest, and it was embarrassing how quickly her eyes followed the movement.

Yes, she was attracted to him.

Worse than that, he was crazy attractive.

The appreciative look from the flight attendant just a few feet away spoke volumes.

"Seriously, though," Vince leaned in closer, "I can probably find a place to stay if that's going to be a problem and-"

"You know this is Hawaii, right?" She swung her head around to stare at him, her eyes widening in shock. "I heard they have a Navy hotel on Ford Island. And there's a hotel in Waikiki, but this close to a huge holiday? There won't be any room. No, it'll be okay."

She drew in a deep chest-filling breath. "It'll be okay."

"It'll be okay." Cora heard him repeat it a couple of times.

She shook her head as they made it to the door and stepped out into the jet bridge. "Are you praying?"

Vince stepped up and walked beside her now that there was some room. "Not praying so much as trying to settle your nerves. Seriously, I know it's going to be crazy busy but if you're worried about how your brother is going to feel with me here, I can work something else out-"

"Nope." She shook her head. "No. My brother said I could bring a friend with me and that's what I did." She smiled hoping that the gesture would manifest that kind of confidence.

Once they reached the gate area the atmosphere changed.

The area was air conditioned, and it felt a little like heaven.

She drew in another breath and smiled, feeling some of her confidence rise to the surface. Cora took a step to the side to let the legions of fellow passengers exiting the plane move on past them and caught at Vince's arm to bring him along with her.

She'd surprised him, but not in a bad way if his smile was any indication.

"Look, Vince," she gathered what was left of her wits about her and explained. "I can handle my brother."

Vince gave her a look that stopped just shy of calling her a liar.

She had to admit that he really had her number.