"Got it," he grinned. "What about O and U?"

"O is like Oh in Ok. And U is like-"

"You?" He grinned hopefully at her.

"That's it!" She bobbed her head. "You've got it."

"So nothing silent. Just those vowels and..."

"Sound everything out and you should be OK."

"OH, like," he pointed at the words on the page, "that."

"Yes!" Cora held out her hand for a high five and he matched her, but instead of pulling his hand back or away, they folded their fingers together.


She blew out a breath and hoped that it wasn't too obvious. Heat built up between them with just a touch.

It was crazy. Or she was.

Either way, it felt good.

She felt good with Vince.

Cora just hoped that it was only going to get better. They'd have a few days together in paradise.

It certainly wasn't something she'd planned on when she'd packed for the trip, but she was more than happy to make the adjustment. Thank goodness she'd packed some fun clothes. She was hoping that Vince might get to see her in some of those clothes.

Her cheeks heated like a furnace.

Okay, Cora... Let's not put the cart before the horse, okay?

"Sorry to bother..."

Cora lifted her gaze and saw the flight attendant looking at them. The other woman's smile was telling.

"I was wondering if you two would like a meal?"

A meal?

Was it that time already?

Cora looked at Vince as they disentangled their hands from each other. "Sure. I could eat."

She rolled her eyes at herself as Vince turned to look at the attendant and answer her questions.

Beef or Pasta?


Before she knew it, they had plates before them on their trays and Cora had some time to reel in her thoughts and pull herself together.

The last thing she wanted Vince to do was second guess coming to Hawaii with her.

Cora worried that the 'second guessing'started as soon as the plane touched down at the airport.

At least for her it did.