"Oh no," the blonde moved closer and the bracelets on her wrist jangled against the countertop, "she's off the clock and I need her help, too. I'm dying to meet her brother." While the blonde had lowered her voice, she was practically hissing out her words. "You know he's crazy hot and I'd love to see what he'd look like in a Speedo."
The gorgeous brunette shook her head, and her nose wrinkled like she'd just tasted a lemon. "Mona, really! He's my brother! I don't need that image in my head... ever!"
The other women laughed as she rounded the corner and that's when Vince got a good look at her.
She was petite and had just the right amount of curves. With her smile and that amazing laugh, it was just his luck that he was meeting her in an airport when he was stuck. Well, it would suck either way, really. If he wasn't having trouble getting a flight home for the Thanksgiving Holiday, he'd never have seen her at all.
"Hey, Corrie."
Vince tensed up when the ticket agent who was working on his flights gestured for the insanely gorgeous brunette to move closer to the computer.
Instead of going around behind the ticket counter, she walked over beside him and gave him a quick side-ways glance and smile before she looked at the ticketing agent. "What's up, Janey?"
Janey lifted her eyes to look at him, but he only caught the gesture out of the corner of his eyes.
"I've been trying to work tickets for this gentleman around the storm and I can't get anything to work. Not the whole way at least."
The other ladies had called her Corrie, but she’d introduced herself as Cora, that name seemed to fit her better. He smiled and she returned the gesture as she reached across the counter to turn the computer screen around so she could see it.
"Hey! Janey? Corrie is off the clock. She's on vacation."
Cora looked back at the other women and Vince couldn't see her expression, but he had a feeling she was rolling her eyes. Don't ask him how he figured that. Okay, you could ask, but he was just going off of instinct.
"It's okay, guys. My flight doesn't leave for a few hours. What would I do to pass the time besides read? I don't mind helping out."
She turned her head to look at him and he found himself stunned at the wide-eyed look on her face.
Was she feeling the attraction that he was?
Was her voice a little softer talking to him than it had been a few moments ago?
She smiled, baring a row of perfect teeth. "You can call me Corrie. Everyone around here does."
"I know." He nodded, trying to keep his brain functioning. "I... I heard them. I like Cora better."
He looked over her shoulder when he heard the other women laughing.
"I’m sorry. I should…" Vince reached a hand up and rubbed at the back of his neck. "I'm... I'm Vince. Vince Lazar."
"Well, Vince Lazar..." Cora reached out and took the keyboard that the other agent handed her and set it on the counter in front of her. "Let's see if we can get you where you're going."
He let out a breath and wanted to shake himself. Suddenly getting home to Bangor didn't have the same appeal as being stuck here... with her.
Cora was tryingto surreptitiously lean over and give her armpit a sniff. Sure, she didn't really do any heavy lifting on the job but she probably could use another application of her deodorant.
Ha! Like this guy would really be interested in her like that. He was probably just quiet because he was exhausted and frustrated. She certainly wouldn't blame him if he was. Goodness knows it could be hell stuck in an airport. She'd seen people melt down over less. So, what she was going to try and do was find him a way home.
Smiling to herself, she waggled her fingers to limber them up.
Then she looked up at him and grinned. "Weird?"