He laughed and it felt good to feel it shaking his shoulders. "What kind of job would you pick for me today?"

"Ohhh," she dragged out the word, but he knew that she already had the answer in her head before he even got the question out, "I'd go with the postman."

"Oh?" That was the first time he'd heard that one. "Because of the cool uniforms?"

"Ha ha, Vinnie. Very funny. You know I have that picture of you in your dress uniform on the wall."

Yes, she did. And she pointed it out to every guest that came over.

"Then why the Postal Service?"

"You know how it goes.... Neither rain nor sleet..."

"Ah... The Post Office always delivers... I get it."

"That," she clarified, "And in the movieMiracle on 34th Street, the Post Office saves Santa Claus."

"They did." He remembered watching the movie with his mom when he was a kid. "I can see why it would be appealing today. I am sorry, Mom. I wish I could get there for the holiday. Are you and grandma really going to be okay?"

"Now don't you worry about me or your grandmother, Vinnie. You know we'll be just fine. We're two tough old birds-"

He was laughing before he could stop himself.


"I know that the turkey won't be tough," he sighed, "you two are both amazing cooks."

"We'll do it over again when you can get home, okay?"

He smiled and felt his heart swelling in his chest. "You got it. Can I talk to grandma?"

"She's sleeping, sweetie. She was up late yesterday making pies for dinner."

Vince felt his stomach ache for the pies he wasn't going to get to eat. "Okay. I'll call back tomorrow and talk to her."

"That'll be nice, sweetie. You know she'll like that."

Movement down the hall turned his head.

He felt the ache in his stomach move back up into his chest.

Cora was coming back in his direction.

"Uh, Mom? I've got to go, the... the, uh, ticketing agent is coming my way. Probably with a receipt for my refund."

"Oh, money stuff," she laughed, "take care of that and call us tomorrow."

"Will do. Love you."

"Love you, too, honey. Bye bye."

He ended the call and stood up to look at Cora. She took a step back and looked back at him, seemingly a little out of breath.

"Vince..." Her smile faltered a little. "I... uh..."

Vince slipped his phone into his back pocket and reached out. He put his hand on her shoulder, concerned. "Are you okay?"

She looked down at his hand on her shoulder.