Cora gave her brother's hand a smack. "Back off, Caminator. Remember, he's under my protection."

Cameron reached out to drop his arm over Maile's shoulders, but she avoided the gesture by giving Cora another hug.

"You take care of yourself, girl."

"You, too." Cora's voice hitched a little. "You've got my phone number. And Kawehi does too."

Maile's nose wrinkled a little. "I'm not big on phones but Facetime is good with me. And you know, if you need that one beat up for doing something stupid," she poked a finger in the air at him and Vince held up his hands in surrender, "I'll be on the next flight."

Cora waved off her concern. "I can take him if it comes down to it."

Maile gave her a wink and quick kiss on her cheek. "I don't doubt it, cuz."

When Cora heard that, she lifted a hand to dash away a tear that fell onto her cheek. "Got it, cuz."

Vince wrapped an arm around her and stepped into her side to place a kiss on her temple.

Touching her, showing her affection, was becoming as natural as breathing to him.

"Back off and let my sister give me a hug."

Vince stepped out of reach before Cameron could push him back, but he also gave Cameron a pointed look over Cora's head that said he wasn't thrilled.

Cameron's grin told Vince, he didn't care.

They were at an impasse, but they were also on good standing with each other.

Vince had to be okay with that.

After all, there was time for things to get better. Vince wasn't going to let things flounder. He was planning on moving things forward and making their relationship stronger. Things with Cameron would work when he showed that he was caring for Cora the way she deserved to be cared for.


Vince turned to look at the porter. "Hmm?"

He held out his hand. "Would you like me to check your bag in?"

Vince hesitated for a moment, but Maile piped up.

"You should let him," she gestured down toward the counter inside, "it has to go through an agriculture scan. It's easier if you let him take it."

Vince nodded his thanks and handed the man his duffel bag, which was a good deal heavier than it was when they'd arrived. Once the man put it on his luggage cart, Vince handed him a tip. "Thanks." Before he turned away, he looked back and smiled. "Mahalo."

The porter grinned back at him. "A 'ole pilikia." He nodded. "No problem."

Cora reached out and took his hand.

He looked at her with a raised brow. "Ready?"

She shook her head. "No, but we need to get inside and go through security."

With a teary-eyed look at her brother, Cora sighed. "I love you, Cam."

"Love you, trouble. Come back any time you can."

She looked at Vince and grinned. "We will."

Vince felt her words deep in his chest. "Sounds like a plan."