"It's not all that bad, really." She put a smile on her face and focused on the screen in front of her. "We had a passenger who was denied boarding on his flight and he came back here to get his flight rebooked, but even with us offering him a gallon of coffee to sober him up, he refused to help himself."

She grew quiet and tried another search when she got stuck in Atlanta.

Maybe she could get him on a connector flight with Jet Blue?

She started a new search and as the search engine did its thing, she looked up and found the space beside her empty.


Shaking her head at herself she continued looking for flights to get Vince home to Portland, Maine.

She had mentioned him getting a seat on the bench.

Maybe he took her suggestion and just went to get a seat somewhere else.

Cora really didn't blame him for abandoning ship. He'd probably been stressing over his flight home while she'd been in the break room and changing her clothes.

"Hmm..." She bit into her lower lip as she closed the connection to Delta Airlines and opened a window for American Airlines. "Maybe I can route him through Dallas?"

There were a few flights that might work from there.

"He's probably going to have a few stops if this works. It might get really creative."

"I don't mind creative."

She startled at the sound of his voice and leaned away from him, folding her hands over her heart.

"Oh, god. You scared me."

She let out a breath when she saw the two cups in his hands. "What's that?"

He smiled, erasing the concern that had been there a moment earlier. "Sorry for disappearing on you, but I looked across the way and saw that the coffee shop didn't have a line. So I walked over there and asked them for two drinks with some serious levels of caffeine in them."

She laughed softly. "Double fisting it? Kind of reminds me of my brother Cam."

"Is he a caffeine fiend?"

She nodded. "And he taught me to become one, too."

He grinned back at her. "Really, now."

She rolled her eyes. "More of a case of Monkey see, Monkey do. But I blame my caffeine obsession on him. Not that he'll take the blame." She moved her hands back to the keyboard. "He's kind of an overbearing brother."

"Well, I can't blame him for being protective of you. That's what a brother is supposed to do." He held out the two cups. "So? Which one."

"Which..." She frowned at him. "What are you-"

"I got two. Which one do you want? I’ve got the," he looked at the label on the side of the one in his left hand, "Matcha Mochalatta or," he looked at the other one, "Whole-latta Macchiato."

He smiled and looked up to meet her gaze.

"Who named these things?"

She shook her head. "Someone with too much time on their hands or spent a lot of time on those poetry assignments in school."

"Here." He set both of the cups on the counter. "You pick when you want. I just wanted to get you something to say thanks for taking the time."

Her cheeks heated up and she reached over to pick up a cup. She decided to go for the one that was varying shades of brown. She took a sip and gave him a smile. "Sorry. I'm not big on green drinks."