Vince saw the other man sit back against the couch cushion and rub his palms against his thighs, struggling with his words. Or maybe it was his emotions.

Either way, Vince doubted that many had seen this kind of truth from Cameron in regard to his feelings.

"And I was looking forward to this time with her, even though I knew I'd have to work for part of the time, I didn't think it would come to this. To where she's not even looking at me."

Vince didn't know what to say to that. He knew how much he wanted time with Cora. Any minute or any experience. He wanted it all, but so did her brother.

And while he'd only just met Cora and knew how much he wanted to learn about her, he was realizing that Cameron was going through something close to what he was. He wanted time with his sister, but now there was a third wheel involved in this family moment.

Vince wasn't sure if he should tell Cameron how he met Cora, but that was something he'd have to talk to Cora about. The core of this trip was just that, her relationship with her brother.

"I don't know how to say this without making this worse," Vince looked Cameron in the eye, "but it feels like you don't trust her."

The instant he said the words, he felt like he should have kept quiet.

Cameron leaned back heavily against the couch and Vince could hear the frame of it groan in reaction. Cora's brother was taller than he was and to say he was bigger and more muscular was an understatement in so many ways. Every second of time that passed before Cameron spoke sent Vince through a myriad of second thoughts and guesses.

"When you said those words," Cameron shook his head back and forth, "I wanted to knock you out."

Vince lifted his chin a little.

If Cameron was going to belt him, Vince was ready to take it, quite literally, on the chin.

"I want to say that it's because you were out of line."

Cameron's jaw tensed up, but Vince didn't move. He stayed still, ready for... whatever Cora's brother was going to do.

"It shouldn't've taken me walking around the whole damn lake and a painful dinner to make me realize how wrong I was." Cameron clapped his palms down on his jeans clad knees."Going into the military, becoming a Marine, I thought I'd taken my life into my own hands. Found a place I could make something of myself. And all the time I was working, my head down, nose to the grindstone," he shook his head, "I didn't realize that life was going on without me. That Cora was going on without me. It didn't really sink in until I saw her... with you."

Vince heard the pain in Cameron's voice. He wasn't even sure Cameron could hear it.

Sometimes you get too close to something, and you can't see it.

Vince just didn't think that it was his place to point it out.

Cameron sat up a little straighter on the couch, his hands gripping his knees to the point where his knuckles were paler than the rest of his skin.

Clearing his throat, he continued. "It was brought to my attention that I might-" He shook his head. "That I overreacted when we came home early from the base. I shouldn't have drawn that particular line in the sand. You," he cleared his throat again, "and my sister are both adults. I... I reacted like an ass."

Vince raised his brow at that. "Wow. I didn't expect that." He smiled. "I didn't expect any of this conversation."

"Well, don't get used to it." Cameron's face changed, hardened. "I don't get all touchy feely on the regular."

Vince nodded. He didn't doubt Cameron's words in the least. "I wouldn't expect it."

"But," Cameron drew in a breath and let it out, "you're welcome to come to Thanksgiving tomorrow and to move back in the house as long as you're here in Hawaii."

Vince heard the words, but he wasn't sure he believed them.

Not that he thought Cameron was lying or putting on a show. Vince had been trying to find a way to bridge the gap between himself and Cameron, if only to make things easier for Cora, and he'd come up empty. Having Cameron show up to talk tohim was more than just a shock. It still seemed like he was half-asleep, dreaming it.

A corner of his mouth twitched up in a grin.

"What's so funny?"

Vince heard the guarded tone in Cameron's voice and understood it. The man was probably waiting for Vince to come back at him with... something.

"I was just thinking that I wouldn't have dreamed that you'd come here to see me. And how you're not the Cox sibling that I'd want in my dreams." He put his hands up to ward off Cameron's anger. "No offense."