Page 49 of Sebastian.

It’s going to be a half day for me at work today, because more important things are being put into motion. A few text messages were all it took to get the ball rolling, and when the ten o’clock hour comes around, the butler approaches me on the terrace to let me know that my guest has arrived.

I was unsure at first if Gabi would even give me the time of day, considering the fact that she’s been Julia’s friend for decades, but apparently she’s open to hearing me out at least. I meet her in the library, where she strides in with an aura of authority in her presence––her short blond hair pushed back and sporting a racy black leather jacket. Our exchanges begin with surface-level pleasantries, masking the underlying tension that fuels our meeting.

I’ve known Gabi as long as I’ve known Julia, and seeing the stiffness in her as she talks to me is so strange that it borders on hurtful. She’s just doing her job, though, and I know that I haven’t exactly made it easy for her. Maybe we can change that now.

“Let’s cut to the chase,” I tell her finally, unable to stomach any more small talk. “I want my wife back, and that’s the only reason I’m going through all of this. I’ll work with you, Gabi, but you have to make sure that everything can only be traced back to Karl––not me or my company, okay? And Karl can’t know anything about my involvement with you.”

Gabi's eyes meet mine, revealing little of her thoughts. “As far as I know, the testimonials point towards Karl, not you.” Her voice stays neutral, just like her demeanor.

It should be reassuring, but it isn't. My paranoia is too strong, and Karl is so publicly connected to me and Van den Bosch industries that I just can’t see any way it doesn’t affect me down the line. A sense of unease creeps into my expression as I consider the possibility of Karl implicating me. “What if Karl claims he was just following my orders?” I ask, my apprehension evident. “I’m his boss, after all. It would be a convenient excuse.”

Her blonde eyebrows raise, and she leans back in the plush chair, folding her hands in her lap. “Was he?”

Shit. What exactly am I supposed to say to that? I struggle to come up with an answer that doesn’t make me sound like a terrible person, and my pause is marked by a realization—Karl's potential to become a liability. “Look, Gabi…just make sure any of my involvement stays discreet. He can never know that I have anything to do with all of this, okay?”

“That’s a lot easier said than done, Seb. You’ve gotten yourself into the web of this whole scandal and it’s going to be almost impossible to get you untangled.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose between my fingers and exhale slowly. “It just can’t come back to me. If it does, then why am I even doing this?”

She doesn’t look thrilled, but Gabi bites her tongue. I would hate to have to lie like that against her, but it’s not an exaggeration when I say Karl can never know of my involvement. I know Gabi doesn’t understand, but I’m not about to let her in our family secret, either.

“I’ll see what I can do. For Julia, though. Not you.”

Her words are a clear reminder where most people stand with me nowadays, but I simply give her a nod in return, keeping those thoughts to myself. “Thanks.”

Gabi stands up, ready to leave the library but for some reason, stops mid-way.

“Out of curiosity, why are you so protective of him?” The probing question strikes me hard.

I take a deep breath, before deciding to open up about the complex tangle of loyalties that tie me to Karl. “Karl was my father's protégé. And I promised my dad on his deathbed I’d take care of him.” The weight of that commitment resonates in my words. “So far I’ve managed to keep that promise. Until now.”

She blows out a quick laugh, her mocking tone a clear contrast with the seriousness of the moment. “Surely your father never instructed you to protect him if he was breaking the law.” When I don’t answer back, she then adds, “Or did he?”

Silence envelops the room, punctuated by the echoes of my inner conflict.

“Fine, I won't breathe a word to Karl about your involvement,” Gabi eventually concedes, offering a measure of reassurance. “But be prepared for the possibility that he might drag you down. If I were you, I’d strike a deal with him so he keeps his mouth shut.”

Gratitude washes over me as her words settle in. “I know. Thanks for the heads-up.”

With the topic apparently over, Gabi nods once, a small smile settling on her face. But while some might see friendliness, all I can see is pity.



It’sanother night in my childhood bedroom, and another morning waking up without my husband or the sounds of my children giggling as they prepare for the day. Every time I wake up here there is a pit in my stomach considering everything I’m missing.

Even then, it’s not as painful as the times, in the middle of the night, when I reach over in the dark to feel for Sebastian and find nothing but an empty space waiting for me instead.

There’s nothing to be done about it though, at least not right now, but I do make a mental note to arrange for the younger kids to swing by and visit me over the next weekend. The silence of my mother’s estate is a hard contrast to what I’m used to. After my shower and daily preparations, I force my thoughts to be silent and make my way downstairs to have a light breakfast. Instead of the dining room, I move to the breakfast bar in the kitchen itself. I'm engrossed in my meal when my mom bursts in, her excitement palpable.

“Oh my gosh!” she exclaims, her tone brimming with urgency as she makes her way in. “Have you seen the news today?”

I raise an eyebrow, setting down my coffee. “No, I haven’t.”

Mom hurries over to the small television in the corner of the nook, fumbling for the remote and clicking on the morning news. The screen flickers to life, revealing the latest headlines. My attention narrows on the unfolding report––it’s about Karl's arrest orchestrated by Gabi and the police. The news anchor details how Karl is being accused of planting drugs and paying dancers to incriminate Roxanne. Being portrayed as the mastermind behind the cabaret’s scandal won’t be good for his image, and might finally lead to his downfall once and for all.

A mixture of shock and disbelief courses through me as I watch the screen. Karl, the looming figure who had managed to both haunt our family and evade consequences for so long, is now facing accountability. The irony isn't lost on me––Sebastian, who has been entangled in Karl's schemes, has seemingly allowed his half-brother to face the consequences of his actions and take the fall in full despite his father’s final wish. There’s no denying that my husband played some part in these schemes, but I can’t say that I’m not happy about Karl taking the fall. It must have been unbelievably hard to incriminate his own blood, though. Could this be a sign that Seb is truly willing to change, to make amends?