Page 6 of Sebastian.

I hear the footsteps of someone in the hallway and turn to see a tall figure approaching. I expect to see Alex walking into the room for a game of billiards, but I sit up straighter when it becomes clear who has actually come to join me. It's not my brother-in-law who enters, but my own son. Andries looks tense, dressed in his wedding suit as he dons a carefully controlled expression. Alex must have put him up to this. His presence catches me off guard, and I struggle to hide the turmoil of my thoughts.

“Uncle Alex told me I’d find you here,” Andries confirms my suspicions; his tone is calm but there’s a hint of malice lurking underneath.

He is furious with me. I know my boy well enough to see it no matter how hard he tries to hide it.

I offer a smile, grateful that he came seeking me, sparing me from having to do so later. My heart softens as I look at him, all grown up in his suit, but I have to harden it immediately. This occasion will be tainted forever because of who he is choosing to marry. I will never have another first wedding for my first child, this is the only memory of this I will have with Andries––him marrying a former escort, and shattering our family in the process.

No matter what Andries thinks, she isn’t worth it. No woman would be, but especially not used goods like Roxanne Feng.

“Looks like Uncle Alex was right. Come in, son,” I invite, gesturing to the billiard table. “Let's have a game.”

His entire demeanor is cautious, like he thinks I’m going to lash out at him at any moment. Little does Andries know that he isn’t on the top of my list of enemies at the moment. Instead, his mother is hovering there, with Margaret and Roxanne near the top as well.

Still, Andries joins me without a word, accepting my invitation. He and I have a lot to talk about, even if he’s completely in the dark about it all. I had hoped to never share the truth about Karl with any of my children, but Julia has backed me into a corner. Too bad for her that I’d rather share my darkest secrets myself than have anyone else do it for me.

“You look great, son. That suit suits you,” I tell him, genuine pride shining through my words. I allow myself the indulgence of imagining that we are just father and son, enjoying a game happily before he weds a girl from a proper family that we all approve of. Hell, at this point, I’d even settle for a middle-class girl he met in school. Anything besides fucking Roxanne, the former madame.

Retrieving a billiard cue from the rack, I hand one to Andries. The polished wood of the cue feels familiar in my hands, offering a momentary distraction from the weight of the impending shit show that is looming. There’s still a sliver of hope in me that Andries might change his mind at the last minute, but I’m beginning to see that the union might be inevitable.

As Andries accepts the cue, his question catches me off guard. “So, Dad, are you here to play billiards or to attend my wedding?”

I chuckle, attempting to lighten the mood. “Can't a man do both? Besides, your mom just informed me that the ceremony starts in about ninety minutes, so it looks like I’ve got a lot to get done in that short amount of time, right?”

Andries watches me carefully, grunting in response. Taking my place at the billiard table, I pause to survey the arrangement of the balls. I really have no intention of attending this damn wedding if I don’t have to, but I’m just going to have to see how this talk with Andries plays out. With a steady hand, I line up my shot, focusing on the cue ball as I prepare to break the formation.

The click of the cue striking the white ball reverberates through the room, setting off a cascade of movement as the balls scatter across the table. Reds, yellows, and blacks intermingle, each collision with another color only separates them more. The initial shot echoes through the air, the clacking of balls merging with the soft ambiance of the room. A part of me relishes the simplicity of the game—a momentary escape from the complexities that weigh upon me. It's an opportunity to focus on the precision of each stroke rather than the intricate dynamics of everything else. Secret brothers, escort fiancées, and duplicitous wives…yes, I really do need this moment of calm right now.

But, even as I sink a ball into the pocket, a veil of unease lingers. This game of billiards mirrors the unpleasant game I’m being forced to play with my family these days. Each shot represents a delicate decision, a calculated move within the constraints of our strained relationships.

I steal a glance at Andries, observing the concentration etched on his face. In his eyes, I catch a glimpse of the uncertainty and anxiety, so similar to my own. Bound by blood and shared history, we both face challenges today, some of which Andries remains unaware of.

Well, that's about to change, all thanks to Julia and her meddling mother.

As the game progresses, a comfortable silence settles between us, at least for the moment. In the ebb and flow of our shots, it’s all too easy to lose track of how bad things have become. I’d give anything to go back to when something like this could just be a genuine moment between father and son.

My cue connects with the next ball, but my shot goes wide, missing its mark. I turn to Andries, a smirk playing at the corners of my lips. “Your turn, son. Let's see what you're made of.”

He takes his shot, sinking it easily. “What made you change your mind?” He questions as he lines up the next one. “I know you didn’t come here of your own accord.”

I pause, choosing my words. “Your mom threatened to reveal a crucial family secret…”

Andries straightens, cue still in hand, and shoots me a suspicious stare. “What kind of secret, exactly?”

“One that would change everything. And she intended to tell none other than Karl,” I reply with emphasis. “She forced my hand to ensure her silence.”

The revelation hangs heavy in the air, adding a layer of tension to our conversation. Andries furrows his brows in confusion. “Karl? How does he fit into this?”

I sigh, my frustration evident. “I could tell you, but I'm not sure if you care enough about our family heritage and inheritance for me to risk it. Elise might, but you––”

Andries bristles. “Yes, I know, perfect Elise, the preferred heir, while I'm the disappointment.” He shakes his head, voice tinged with hurt. “You disowned me, Dad. Cut off my allowance.”

A bitter laugh escapes me. “And then you sought Oma Margaret's help, no?” My nerves fray, my tone sharper than intended. “God forbid you find yourself a job. You know, that's what normal people do when they need money.”

The room grows colder, the negative energy between us escalating. Andries all but slams his cue down on the billiards table and drags a hand over his face, trying to get his own rising anger under control before he speaks again. Like father, like son, I guess.

Andries's face reddens as he speaks again, signaling how he’s feeling inside, even if he is trying to keep his tone even.

“Because you think it’s easy to rebuild my life after being cast aside by my own parents? What job could I have even taken that would have been acceptable to you, huh? Everything's about image with you.”