Page 36 of Love Grows

Tarot won out. Probably because of Derek’s response, which included words like, “Great idea, Pip”, and “Don’t forget your bag, Denise. It’s behind the coffee table.”


Hong Kong Orchid Tree

(Bauhinia blakeana)

A beautiful evergreen tree with large, thick green leaves that grow to 7-10 centimetre long and 10-13 centimetre wide. Fragrant pink-purple flowers, about 10-15 centimetres in size, bloom from late spring until early autumn, the large elegant flowers are 10-15cm in size. An excellent feature tree for medium to large gardens and for mass plantings in parks. Will grow to a height of 8 metres and a width of 5 metres but can be trimmed to a smaller size.

Steph and I held hands on the way back from Kahlia and Derek’s place. After we said goodbye to Lucas, who leapt onto a tram that was trundling by, Pip and Denise walked ahead nattering on about sage, crystals, and the mystical energy of the high priestess in the major arcana. Ted and Jules, walking behind us, were also chatting but stopped suddenly and I looked over my shoulder to investigate the silence. I discovered the silence was their pointed looks at Steph and me, our hands linked together, and their matching eye-twinkles threatened laughter. I mock-glared at them, then widened my eyes as if to say, “We can catch up later if you’re that desperate for gossip.”

Which apparently they were. I kissed Steph goodbye after she quietly cited that she had work to do on her dancing plants. I grinned. I wondered if a plant could moonwalk. Steph would probably make it happen. I kissed her again simply so I could lean in to tell her I’d text her later.

Pip took the keys from Jules’ pocket, then guided Denise into the cafe, flicking on lights as she went. They settled into the Tarot corner and bent their heads over Pip’s new cards.

“Right, Whitlock. Inside.” Jules jerked her head towards the cafe. I groaned, and Ted put his hand up.

“I will bow out of this most likely highly entertaining interrogation. I’m old and a Sunday evening gin and tonic awaits.” He leaned towards me. “Good for you, Angel love. Your last girlfriend was not a patch on a delightful woman like Steph. I’m happy for you, wherever your relationship goes.” He rubbed my shoulder as I blinked back tears. Ted was the ultimate granddad and although he had grandkids of his own, I’m positive he felt that he held that position in our little community.

* * *

“So, spill.”

“Nirelle was not a patch on a delightful woman like Steph,” I said, repeating Ted’s words, then took a sip of my tea.

“Oh my god, it’s like getting the purple out of an amethyst,” Jules moaned, then grinned to show how much she liked teasing me.

“Come on. Steph and I are enjoying each other.”

Jules raised an eyebrow. “How much en?—”

“No.” I shook my finger at her. “No amount of your addictive Earl Grey will convince me to spill on that particular topic. Besides, that section of any discussion is none of your business.”

Jules nodded and shrugged a shoulder, then leaned forward. “So,” she stretched the word out. “Is it going anywhere?”

“Christ, you’re nosy.” I took another sip of tea.

“Yes. Consider me a caffeinated confidante. I’m like a counsellor to guide you to your light.”

“I should leave just because of that last sentence,” I snarked, but couldn’t help laughing.

“Okay,” I continued. “I’m basically a happy, slightly round, lesbian. Nobody special really, who is okay with that label by the way.” I pointed at her because she had opened her mouth to protest. “And this gorgeous blonde co-worker, who is clearly wealthy I think, so I don’t know why she needs the job, but I don’t care because that gorgeous blonde who works with me wants to kiss me, and I don’t know why but it’s lovely,” I rambled.

Jules stared at me, then shook her head. “You are,” she said with a frown.

“I am what?”

“Someone special, for fuck’s sake!”

I blinked. Jules rarely swore. It was always for a good reason and right now, she had decided I was the good reason.

“You are someone special, Angel. You are so important here in our little row of shops. You are compassionate.” She ticked off fingers. “Look at the Bonsai Brains. Look at the oldies from the aged care homes. Look at how much time you give to your friends. Look in the mirror for god’s sake and you’ll see a woman with laugh lines and a smile that reaches the sky and, ah shit. Now I’m teary.” She squished her lips together and sniffed.

I held her hand over the table. “Thank you. Sometimes I forget to acknowledge myself. I tell everyone else and not myself.” We shared a look, then I grinned. “I’m just so thrilled that she wants me.”

“Of course she does. Look at all that stuff I just said. You should be wanted. You should be kissed like you were when she was saying bye before. You and Steph look good together.” She breathed in heavily. “Right.” She brushed her palms together. “That’s me done. What’s on your mind?”

I cracked up.