“Okay, fine. Where is this thing I have for Steph heading?” I looked at the deck in Pip’s hand as I asked my question. I knew the drill. “Three?” I asked, knowing that Pip’s expertise ranged from simple readings through to multiple card spreads for sessions that lasted up to half an hour or more.
“Lovely,” Pip said, her black curls bobbing in a symphony of spirals as she shuffled the cards. Then she placed the pile in front of me and watched like a hawk as I lifted a third of the cards with my left hand, placed the new stack next to the original one, then took another third to place it on the other side.
“So, three today,” Pip confirmed. “Let’s do a ‘defining ourselves in chaos’ session.”
I rolled my eyes. “You’re so dramatic.”
“And you’re so much fun,” she laughed, then wiggled her finger at the cards. “Come on.”
I turned over the first three cards of each pile and laid them in front of me while Pip collected the remainder, then we contemplated what message I was about to receive.
“Have you breathed?” Pip asked, seriously.
“Yes, Pip. I’m breathing.”
“Angel…I’m going to assume your snarkiness is because you’re afraid of what the cards will say. I know you’re a skeptic, but I was right about Tough, wasn’t I?”
“I’m not afraid,” I denied. “I’m like I always am. I have a healthy dose of?—”
“You’re afraid.”
“No. How could I be afraid of something lovely like kisses and?—”
Pip gave a delighted squeak. “You have?”
“Well, she kissed me first. A couple of weeks ago. Then there’s been kisses and nice moments where we’ve shared long looks and—” I snapped my mouth shut.
Pip grinned. “You don’t need the cards. Looks like you know what you’re doing.”
I laughed, then relaxed my shoulders. “No, I need the cards. I have no idea what this thing with Steph is. Do I want to take it further? Maybe. Do I want it to be a thing? Also maybe. She’s very forward and I love it in a breathtaking sort of way.”
“You’re a butch lesbian who’s shy yet utterly thrilled because a bold femme-adjacent woman kissed you.”
I frowned at the cards, then frowned at Pip. “I don’t like these sessions.”
Gales of laughter from Pip.
“Come on,” she encouraged through her last remaining giggles. “Lean into your intuition. You know the cards aren’t fortune-telling. They’re for personal discovery. Your first card represents what you can do to surrender to the the change in your life. Your second offers direction on caring for yourself during this process, and the third card serves as a guide for centring yourself in the midst of this change.”
I squinted at her. “Right.”
“You’ve had a three-card spread before so you know it’s linear. Let’s look at card one.”
We studied the beautiful drawing of a horse and chariot.
“Ooh. The Chariot. Nice,” whispered Pip.
“Because it’s facing you, it means the drive for adventure. Transporting you toward a new relationship or career, although the chariot can also show an important journey, and learning. The horses represent libido.” I hummed at Pip’s raised eyebrows. “So there is also the possibility of sexual adventure here. The horses echo the dark and light aspects of the journey ahead.” Pip delivered a deep breath. “Clear?”
“Very. Is there more?”
“Oh, yes. The cards always say more than a simple statement. Look.” She pointed to the dark and light horses. “Ego and arrogance bring problems to your journey.”
“Just as well I’m not full of myself.”