Page 37 of Love Grows

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Stephand I continued our kissing and whatnot—the whatnot being getting handsy in the office after closing time—throughout the week.

I pulled away breathlessly one evening.

“You haven’t see my flat. Want a tour?”

Steph stared at me then a slow grin formed on her lips. “Pick up line or an actual tour?”

“Oh, a proper tour, but it’ll last two seconds, then we can get back to this.” I lifted my hand from her waist and pressed a finger to my lips, then used that same finger to press it to hers. Steph smiled mischievously then lightly bit the tip. “I like all of that idea,” she said suggestively.

Based on that single gesture, I quickly grabbed my bag, she grabbed her backpack, and, holding hands, we made our way up the back steps of the building next door to my little flat with Tough beaming up at Steph. Mercifully, it was clean and tidy. I wasn’t a messy person so bringing a guest home didn’t required the person getting left on the landing while I tornadoed about the place flinging underwear into broom closets.

My flat wasn’t much to write home about. It was small—lounge room, kitchen, single bedroom, bathroom—but it suited me perfectly. I’d collected lots of knickknacks on my travels during my twenty-two years of adulthood so I led Steph on a journey through the life of Angel, the wanderer. So many photos of me standing next to some type of awesome plant I’d come across in jungles, back gardens, and on one memorable occasion, in Hong Kong where a Cantonese grandmother who had to be a hundred and one and spoke no English whatsoever caught me admiring herBauhinia blakeanaand had her grandson take a photo of the two of us standing there, grinning like loons, leaning into the space created by an orchid tree.

Tough walked past us with a wag, then made himself a dog-version knickknack on the couch.

“Are you hungry?”

“I am, actually,” Steph replied, standing behind me with her arms wrapped around my waist. She rested her chin on my shoulder as we continued to stare at jade lions and mini Thai long boats. It was very warm and snuggly and I was enjoying this woman so, so much. I turned in her arms.

“I can cook something, or we can order in.”

“Can we cook something together?”

I grinned. “Absolutely!”

Later, with a simple and delicious pasta consumed, I found myself on my back with a wonderfully nude Steph rising above me like a goddess, straddling my waist and rocking gently so that I was panting words like, “Yes,” and “Steph!” Eventually she leaned forward and I lifted my knees, holding her in position. We kissed slowly, languidly, smiling against lips. Then Steph leaned even further so my mouth was in line with her swaying breasts. Teasing me. Taunting me with their movement so that I was unable to catch the nipples between my lips. I growled and heard Steph’s quiet chuckle above me.

“Say please,” she whispered, her voice ragged.

I stuck out my tongue and lapped at the nipples as they passed.

Steph hissed. “Oh, God, Angel. Say please. I’m begging you!”

I laughed softly. “Kind of cancels out the initial begging.”

Suddenly, Steph wrapped her arms around me and rolled us so I was on top. “I want you to fuck me, then I want more and.” She paused in her wriggling, and held the sides of my face. “I want more of you. The kind of more where we do this but we go walking in the neighbourhood and you point out fancy plants. Where we takes rides on your motorbike and end up in little towns at local pubs.” She kissed me tenderly. “That type of more.”

I felt tears pricking at the back of my eyes and blinked them away. “That’s a coincidence because that’s what I want, too.” Steph Thatcher felt like the real deal and who was I to question? She was a people person and genuinely cared about customer’s plant experiences. She did a great job at the nursery.So much so that when Kahlia returned, I was going to ask Steph to stay on. And she was hot and funny and sexy and enjoyed being with me and no matter what or where this thing with us was going, I wanted all of it.

Then we grinned, then, without any preamble, our lips crashed together and we were on the train to Orgasmville.

* * *

Later,snuggled together with Steph’s breathing making me feel all warm and fuzzy, I remembered her words about going for rides on my bike past the city. I hummed in thought as an idea took hold.

“I thought you’d be asleep,” Steph said, her voice muffled in my breasts.

“You, too.” I pulled back, still holding her hip close. “I have an idea. Do you want to go hunting for treasure?”

Steph smirked. “I thought we just did.”

I blushed and poked her ribs, which made her giggle.

“No, actual treasure hunting. Gold detecting. Hunting for iron.” I peered at her, hoping to see a positive reaction.

She gasped. “With a proper gold detecting wand thingy?”