Page 38 of Puck & Make Up

DESSIE: But in reality, I’m just back on Boomer Tech support. But we cleared the air, and he agreed to let me help out as long as I promise to keep looking for—his words: a real job.

FOX: Progress then.

DESSIE: In everything except figuring out what I actually want to do with this next chapter of my life.

FOX: I’ve got more ideas.

DESSIE: More time to troll the internet for ideas that will make me crazy, you mean?

FOX: Now you’re getting it, sugar. And so…speaking of your IT skills—did you ever think about putting those to use in other ways?

DESSIE: Um…is this some sort of weird proposition that’s going to have me selling feet pics?

FOX: Well, now that you mention it…

DESSIE: Good night, Fox.

DESSIE: But no, I don’t think IT is my future.

FOX: I’ll keep looking.

FOX: Night, sugar.

FOX: Marine biologist.

DESSIE: I hate to continue to be the Negative Nelly, but I get seasick.

FOX: *sigh*

DESSIE: I’m hopeless.

FOX: We’ll figure it out.

DESSIE: Right now I want to talk about anything that isn’t me and my empty future.

FOX: Are you coming down soon?

DESSIE: In a couple of days.

DESSIE: Did you talk to Rosie?

FOX: About Annie?


FOX: Yeah.


FOX: And it’s still weird, but it’s Rosie. You know she won’t hold it against me. It’s just…another fucked up thing courtesy of the Donovan clan.

FOX: Plus, she was already family. The only difference is that we know we share some genes.

DESSIE: How mature of you both.

FOX: Don’t worry. I’m still looking for that frog to hide in your desk.

DESSIE: How was practice?